Thursday, November 8, 2007

Downtown Bike Polo

Downtown bike polo was a pretty good time. Everyone met at Panama Reds for some food and beer prior to playing. The lot we looked at last Friday proved to be an acceptable spot to play. It was well it and there was no traffic, which is probably the two most important things. The downside of this urban court was that one team had an uphill battle towards the goal, and additionally they faced a multiple foot drop off just past the goal. Thankfully, no one flew over the ledge into the alley. One rule change to note; the court was lined with parking curbs that were difficult to navigate around. In order to keep play going fast, a rule was instituted that allows a player to put their foot on a curb and not have it count as a foot down. Mt. Pleasant is a better court to play at, but this provided a nice change of pace, plus the opportunity to play in the evening. With it getting dark early, I imagine we'll be back downtown to play.

1 comment:


Bike polo during the week?
