Our mallets are kind of falling apart lately. A few of us have ideas about how to build a better mallet. I think few are also skeptical that it can be done any better. Either way you look at it we need more mallets. I think we are at a point where if we break one more we can't play a full game.
So tomorrow (11/20) we are going to build some mallets. Gather up your drills, dowels, ski poles, etc. and meet at ______________________(TBD) at ____:_____pm. We'll need to be done by 8:00pm. I'm going to the show at the Atomic Cowboy.
More info to come. If you can't make it you need to re-think your dedication to bike polo, not like I didn't give you plenty of advance notice.
Where are we meeting? Does anyone have a garage/workshop? And I vote for 6:00 as a meeting time.
We can meet at my house at 6pm if you like. It be close to da Cowboy.
-Hans Polo
Does anyone have ABS gas pipe? I think Nick might be looking for some tomorrow. Anyway, we got hooked up by the Mt. La Crosse ski lodge with some free ski poles for bike polo. Can't wait to turn them into mallets. Who is playing at AC tomorrow?
We can work at my shop. There should still be a table saw in the building. Bonus is we could play a little in the parking lot when we're done.
Playing at AC? What's that about? (Sorry, I've been out of town the last few weeks.)
6pm sounds good to me. 4001 Cottage ave, the big plain looking building on the corner.
Ok, Let's meet at Brian's shop as close to 6:00pm as possible. Maybe we can also talk about building some "loaner" bikes from everyone's spare parts. More people might be willing to give polo a try if they did not have to worry about wrecking their bikes.
oh, AC=Atomic Cowboy. There is a show there tonight.
Sorry guys - I already promised some folks I'd go rock climbing this evening... What time is the show at the AC? Who's playing?
It turns out ABS plastic is illegal to use (for plumbing) in the State of Missouri. I have some plumbers bringing me (not til tomorrow) some Insulated PVC Styrene that they claim is uncrackable. Also we may consider lexan tubing....the sama stuff Nalgene bottles are made out of.
Plain old regular PVC should be stronger than ABS pipe anyway.
Can't make it tonight, its close to 5:30 and I am still stuck down south
Oh, that is totally wrong! PVC will shatter, insulated or not. It's too brittle.
If local code prevents ABS from being stocked at plumbing/hardware stores you can order it from an industrial supply company like McMaster-Carr or Grainger. You can also look for UHMW plastic or Delrin, which are more expensive for about the same durability as ABS.
That's rad about the ski pole donation, though. We've gotta try that up here.
Don't forget: A team from Chicago is coming to play your home game Sunday, Ddecember 2nd! Where ever and however y'all play. But a roller hockey rink in Mt Pleasant Park sounds awesome. Also, please move the game to earlier in the day so we can get back to Chicago by bedtime.
I see that this is old and i'm guessing you have worked out your mallet building but... if you are interested newyorkhardcourt.com has a good How To: with a link to really good pipe for heads.
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