Monday, March 17, 2008

Sunday, March 23 (A.K.A. Easter)

rabbit picture added just for you Seth.

This Sunday we will be joined by Lucky and two other folks from Chicago for polo. Out of consideration for the Chicagoan(s) who may be going back, we're tentatively setting the start time for 1:00. Reply if you can play at that time so we will know if it will work.

Also, Friday, March 21 will be the next Full Moon Fiasco. Several of us are planning on meeting for beers before the ride, at a place yet to be determined. Seth mentioned that he would like to check out a new bar called The Gramophone that is smoke free and supposedly "cyclist friendly" that is in The Grove, near The Atomic Cowboy, which would be another logical option. Reply with ideas.


Seth Teel said...

The posts aren't as fun without pictures.

nick said...

Not sure about Sunday, but Friday sounds like fun, been wanting to try out my fixed up road bike.

The Gramophone sounds like fun. A buddy of mine was telling me about it Saturday. It is supposed be a pretty sweet venue.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for moving this to the front page.

It'll be three people total from Chicago. Me, Jenny (who doesn't play polo), and Ben. I'll ask around for a fourth.

Ben and anyone else I can convince to come will be coming down with me on Saturday (sorry fiasco-ers) and will be sent back to Chicago via Amtrak Sunday evening. Then Jenny and I stick around for a coupla weekdays to look for apartments and jobs.

Tony said...

I'm in for 1pm on Sunday - even earlier would be good, too. I have dinner at Anna's sister's house at 5pm.

I'm also going to be at the Fiasco (and I think Scotino will be as well). The Gramophone sounds like a fun option.

I'll probably just hang at work a little late then grab some dinner here (in the CWE). What time do the festivities begin for us? I'll just ride from here to the bar.

Anonymous said...

I am game for drinks before the fiasco, and I may be game for polo on sunday. Trent/Seth give me a ring/text. I should be around the grove early in the evening to make sure a friend's cat is still alive - Snifty

tscotino said...

I'm in for Sunday polo and the fiasco. FrankenSchwinn should be up and running. Anybody know where to get a front basket for cheap?

Anonymous said...

Just roll a little girl for one. You can take off the plastic daisies later.

Tony said...

Why take off the plastic daisies? Matter of fact, fuck her up for the tassels, too. That's right - hit her with your U-lock of justice.

Lucky said...

Hell, just leave the screaming, crying little girl in the basket. Use her like a car horn.

Update (kinda): things are going all screwy up here. Jenny and I will come down no matter what, cos we need to look at apartments and talk to hopeful employers, but Ben may not make it and I haven't found a fourth who can take the weekend off. I'll keep y'all informed...

LC said...

Lucky, when are you and Jenny moving here?

Lucky said...

All questions will be answered in person, over drinks.

Brian said...

I should be there Sunday, maybe by 2.

STeel said...

Guess who's playing at the Gramophone tomorrow nite? FATTBACK!
...As you were.

Tony said...

Guess what's really sad about that - FBC Fiasco!!!

Lucky said...

It's just gonna be me and Jenny coming down. Ben really messed himself up last week at the MMI Bike Polo tournament.

STeel said...

You and Jenny is good enough for us. And the pic link doesn't work.
See ya tomorrow.

Paul said...

i am a no show (again!!!) on sunday, have family easter events. might be on the fbc ride tonight. gotta find a ride.

tscotino said...

It's snowing, maybe we should play under the bridge.

Tony said...

I hate the bridge...