1. We're going to try to play this Thursday under the lights and in the relative cool of evening. 7pm at Lindenwood Park. This weekend is supposed to be stupid hot again.
2. We need to register teams/players for the NACCC in Chicago at the end of August. So far I only know that myself, Trent, Cole, and Quigly are coming and that Seth and Lee cannot. Dan? Tonies? Nick? Paul? Anchovy?
3. Let's do some recruitment stuff. Posters in bike shops are pretty, but word of mouth on local bike rides or forums or craigslist seems to work better. I'll work on the equipment end of things, so all these imaginary people will be able to play.
me and lee probably are out for tommarow and sunday because of our faimly reuinion.
scratch that, no game tonight - not enough people interested for a game
sunday 8/3. Talked to Nick last night who said he'd play. I'm in for sure but can't arrive till 3:30. The updated weather seems to show a high of 91 and a change of precip around 20%. Seems worth playing, right!?!?
Me, Trent, and Cole look like the team that's going to NACCC. Y'all need to get me some money so's we can pre-register.
Any alternates/stragglers are welcome to come along. CoMo kids?
Shall we try for Thursday evening again?
Rain = no play for me. I will be up for a drink later if any else is.
hey I am sorry I have been around this summer. I will be there on sunday to play. I am going to chicago but I am not sure if I am going to play, so I can be an alt if need. Where are you playing and what time on sunday?
if you guys want to get a hold of me my number is. 314-598-22five0
are we playing today, 8/10? sorry i missed last week but I WILL be there today, if we're on. also i hear mallets are an issue. i have 2 i can bring. someone call if we're on cause i'm out to door now.
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