Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ski poles

Hey everyone, there's a coupla CL ads for ski poles cheap and free if you care to drive out to south county, st charles, or both.

Neither Trent nor myself have the time right now. I hope a polo-ista can get in on these.


anchovy said...

I sent an email. I will try and get that stuff on Wed.

Lucky said...

Awesome, thanks. You're in mallets heads for life territory with all your ski pole scavenging.


I'm #4 on the list for the free ones.

nick said...

If they are still there, I am driving out to St. Chuck for the $10 ones, this evening. Bike Polo WOO HOO!!!

anchovy said...

The guy emailed me back and said they were gone already. Sorry.

anchovy said...

Im always watching for them. I think come summer time, they will be alot of them at garage sales.

anchovy said...

POLO TONIGHT! send the word!