Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How the other half lives

I got curious about horse polo after reading Doug D's recent post. Turns out, horse polo is hella played in the greater St Louis area. Anyone want to take a drive out to west county with me and picnic around huge, sweaty animals some Saturday afternoon this summer? If we wanted to try to get Billy Busch's sponsorship attention, we could try to set up a parking lot exhibition match.


Anonymous said...

Fuck yes.

Doug D said...

go watch! it's fun.

nick said...

hell yeah I am down!

Seth Teel said...

Even the name sound pretentious "Polo for the public." Isn't there a bicycle race Saturday?

Lucky said...

It doesn't have to be this Saturday, fool. They do it all summer. 10 bux per car load, BYO picnic. Not very pretentious.

You can bring a cooler of Stag and get in people's faces about it if you want.

Anonymous said...

Can we delete this goofy real polo post? Im handing out fliers this week at the FBC ride and at bike shops this week. Trying to drum up more players. Its gonna be confusing for first timers coming to the site and see a posting about polo horses. Can you post a map of lindenwood park and make it say "come have fun" or something like that?
PS. I dont want to go watch horse polo.


I'll post a map and make bike polo the top post again but i'd go watch horse polo

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing that! Sorry i have such a bad attitude towards horse polo.
I handed out a good amount of fliers on Sunday night. Some people were stoked instantly. Looks like we will get some new people.