Wednesday, November 11, 2009



Ben said...

A mangled body left bleeding on the rink: The calling card of STL Bike Polo

nick said...


Lucky said...

So much goofy fun last night. I especially like how so many of you are used to me being Mr serious-sourpuss that you asked if I had been drinking.

See you at the rock show tonight and the courts on Sunday. Don't forget to start asking around to your favorite restaurants, grocers, bakers, and coffee roasters to try to scrounge up free food and drink for thel lock-in!

Ben said...

It's supposed to rain on Sunday, but I'd still like to play. Wash U has a parking garage that I think we could try using. It could become our safe haven during poor weather.

Anonymous said...


which parking garage at Wash U are you talking about?

what about polo on Saturday, according to it should be dry and fairly sunny all day!


Ben said...

The garage that backs up to Forest Park Pkwy next to the dorms.

Ben said...

Parking garage off of Forest Park Parkway between Big Bend and Skinker.

Toph A. Loaf said...

i would love to play in a parking garage. we need to find some buckets, i may be able to score a few. or maybe we can buy some cheap wal-mart hockey goals? not sure how we could transport those...FJcruiser perhaps??

Toph A. Loaf said...

you should post these "sudo-links" as actual links....

Toph A. Loaf said...

that photo makes it look like somebody ripped off his right forearm.

Anonymous said...

i'm up for parking garage polo on sunday, instead of Cranksgiving.

is there polo on saturday?


Anonymous said...

i vote we play saturday... its suppose to be really nice out and i was going to try and do cranksgiving rain or shine on sunday.

and even if we do play sunday i would be down to play tomorrow if anyone else is interested. might as well take advantage of the awesome weather while its here... knowing midwest weather, it could very easily be freezing in 2 weeks.

and that picture is amazing... one team member down, one team member on a borrowed bike and one team member smiling bcuz hes been cuddled too much. job well done...


Ben said...

I'd play tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Let's polo at 2 today. Mt pleasent. Yeah?

Ben said...

Two works.

One would be even better.

The earlier the better.

I can't believe how dark it's getting around the 5 o'clock hour.

Anonymous said...


don't forget to bring that awesome mallet that no one else likes!


Anonymous said...

Great fun today you guys! Ben i wish you were in COMO last weekend. Patrick, getting better every game. Glad to see the return of Trent.
PS Patrick, if you want a decent beater bike to turn into a polo bike, Cole and myself both sell used bikes. I have one now thats $40. Mtn bikes stripped down are the best. No need to destroy that P1 or the other bike you had today.

Anonymous said...


If it does not rain tomorrow, could you bring that $40 used bike with you to polo, i'd like to take a look at it. Thanks so much!


Ben said...

I had a blast today.

I will never skip a tournament ever again.


Toph A. Loaf said...


Anonymous said... says no rain till 5 or 6pm!


nick said...

polo sunday? yes or no?

Anonymous said...

i am up for polo today. I may be late and not make it at 2:00 exactly. But i will be theree. i will send a text to everybody.
Patrick, you can come by whenever you want to look at that bike. Im at 6332 bancroft 63109. after polo today is fine. Im busy before.

Anonymous said...

polo today is the best. we should try lindenwood, but im cool with mt. pleasant also. im coming right from work, so if we played at lindenwood i could be there right away.
anchovy. what polo bike are you selling?

Anonymous said...

Some old gt

Anonymous said...

Who's asking?

Anonymous said...

After polo i went to patch my flat, valve stem was totally gone. Today wasnt my day.

Anonymous said...

thats too bad chovie. right after you left we all had a balljoint competition and we all traded each others bikes. it was hilllarious. see you wed.

Anonymous said...

The bike mixer was awesome, lets do it again!


Toph A. Loaf said...

so, its supposed to rain until wed. im gonna go and check out that parking garage tomorrow and try to get and idea about how wide it is. we may be need to play there on wed. if we still wanna play on wed. ben. bring yer pickle buckets.

nick said...

looks like ben hunter got roughed up a bit by st. louis... check it out

nick said...

Oh yeah... at 2:06... That is how you cuddle...

Lucky said...

Ha ha, you fuckers! I just logged on here to post the same vid.

Way to go King Shin Way.

Ben said...




(I saw Cole rock him too. PROPS King-Shin-Way)

Anonymous said...

Who made that video? That guy shoulda posted the
part where Ben checked Lee into the goal earlier. Ben didn't have the ball and neither did Lee. He full speed checked/t boned Lee as a goalie. That's when everybody boooed the Ben guy. Nobody booed Lee when Lee got him back.

Ben said...

T-Boning the goalie is the weakest move in polo. People that t-bone the goalie deserve to be booed off the rink...Or checked at high speed by Lee.