Stuff coming up:
•22-26 Bike Polo Spring Break. Pensacola, FL 13 hr drive
•27-28 South East Side Invite. Pensacola, FL 13 hr drive
•6 Pull-out Friendly Tournament. Columbia, MO 2 hr drive
•13 Chris from CoMO's Birthday polo bash. Chicago, IL 5 hr drive
•20-21 Bench Minor Tournament. NYC, NY 16 hr drive
•10-11 Friendly Tournament. Little Rock, AR 7 hr drive
•22-23 8th Midwest Champeenships. Minneapolis, MN 10 hr drive
•16-18 North American Hardcourt Championships. Madison, WI 6 hr drive
Dates for Little Rock and Madison are firm, but not totally solid. There will also be mo' MO friendlies with KC and CoMO.
Just lettin' y'all know in case you want to travel.
May 21 and 22 - BFF Memphis, pick-up games
I would like to get down to Memphis sometime, it's been 16 years since I was last there. But that's the weekend of the Midwest Champeenships in Minneapolis. We've gotta be there to win the cup.
Some other time, perhaps. You guys and girls should come to Little Rock in April, though.
Does anyone know of any bike polo clubs in Nashville, TN?
is anybody going to florida? i dont think we have enough for a team.
are there any stl cuddlers going to florida? only asking cuz that seems like a big trip, driving-wise.
Is Lexington sneaking Bike Polo into the Bluegrass State Games again?
I hope so. That's a good "first" tournament for newer player.
They're hosting the fall Midwests, so I understand if they don't want to organize another tournament.
Maybe the Little Rock Friendly Tournament will be this year's intro to polo tournament life.
yeah you should totally go. you might win some crap. literally crap.
I just got a note from Pensacola asking if any of us are coming down for the big to-do.
It's easy for me to get time off, and I'd probably sell enough mallet heads to cover my share of gas, but I'm still on the fence. Is there anyone who's gung-ho about this trip, or are we all waiting for someone else to drive?
Weather averages for the last weekend in February in Pensacola are mid-upper 60's and partly cloudy. The gulf is always warm enough to swim in.
I'm not interested.
Im on the injured reserve list now. Dont worry Shin & Beef... Ill be ready. I will have some time to dial in my bike...
-Gimpy Jake-
PS: this sucks.
yeah, i wanna goto FL also, but i feel the same way. I dont wanna drive. I can get time off. Sooo...where does that leave us?
are we going to play at lindenwood today.
Yup. 1pm at Lindenwood. Imma get there a little after noon to clear the court if it needs it. Bring brooms and stuff if you wanna help.
To Anchovy: It leaves us in search of someone who cares more than we do.
maybe the hockey and soccer players won't show up later because of the Superbowl. -Patrick
I checked willmore and it's clean. So if there are soccer or it's wet, then it's willmore
Patrick, you should contat Halcyon Bike Shop. I belive tey were playing some pick-up games in the parking lot for a while.
immabeatpolo around 2:30 today. btw, there is usually like a million more soccer players at willamore than lindenwood.
Come to Chicago, please!!
Come to Chicago, please!!
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