Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sunday Polo: Mt. Pleasant


Sunday at 1pm, we're playing polo at Mt. Pleasant Park.

Be prepared to see an unlicensed boxing match and motorcycle tricks.

We're also hunting for the amazing artist responsible for the masterpiece pictured above.

PS. In response to the STL vs. Cleveland "who parties harder" debate: I have yet to see Cleveland pictured with AWK. Another point: STL.


Anonymous said...

Ben meant to post:
polo at 1 mt pleasant.
One pm. Little earlier.
Little erlier


Unknown said...

If anyone wants to see the last two important games of the English Premiere League, they'll be on at 10am at Tigin, the "irish" bar attached to the hotel at 4th and Washington downtown. I will probably be there.

Pretty good bloody marys, kinda pricey, but a good crowd of soccer nuts. Might be the only place to get breakfast/brunch in St Louis this morning that won't be crowded with moms and their adoring kids.

toph said...

ill be there a little after 2.
Highest of Tides.
Jake. Colin has yer back wheel. And my money.

manchester united said...

chelsea can suck it.

Ben said...

Boo Chelski.

Chelsea said...

Champions! Champions! Champions!

Soccer Riot said...

blah blah blah

Anonymous said...

I'm playing polo at 1. Anybody else in?
Let's cuddle

toph said...

there is nobody else i would rather cuddle. ill be there a little after 2.

Giant Attraction said...

is patrick playing today?

Anonymous said...

If you look at the blog all the tim, post somthing. Possibly about going to polo...

Anonymous said...

the giant attraction will be there before 2PM. -Patrick

Anchovy said...

1 (314) 322-6075 patrick has some keys he found on the fence Today at polo. Call him if they are yours .

Ben said...

On Any Sunday is on Fuel TV right now. Good post-polo training.

Anonymous said...

now Toph has the keys, call him. and you can thank Tyler for noticing them still on the fence. -Patrick

Painter's District Council 2 said...

Who was headed to the painting convention?

Ben said...

Hood Kicks!

I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

When is hood kicks?

Anonymous said...

When is hood kicks?

Anonymous said...

Hood Kicks
Hood Kicks
Hood Kicks

Does that work anything like
Beetle Juice
Beetle Juice
Beetle Juice?

Hey, Art Director!
I smell a hood kicks music video.

Ben said...

More photos. Courtesy of Lee.

Anonymous said...

hoodkicks at bri-zone tomorrow night. bbq @ 6, show around 8

Andrew W.K. said...

Go to the SKYZONE this week!

Skyzone said...

Aren't you visiting me on Friday for the start to going away week?

Ben said...

I'm going to the SKYZONE! I'm going to grab that place by the throat. Due to Hood Kicks' cancelation, my pent-up Hood Kicks energy will be unleashed at the SKYZONE!

Unknown said...

Wait, what? No bbq at Brizone tonight? But driving out to Chesterfield to throw ourselves around instead?

I'll need a ride.

Ben said...

Hood Kicks is canceled. I don't know if the BBQ is still on. SKYZONE is later this week.

Anonymous said...

Who wants to play tonight? 6@lindenwood, tilles or maplewood?
Just a thought since hoodkicks is cancled.

Toph said...

im in. jake ill try and get Jon to bring that back wheel over. if you still want it.
i vote maplehood. or tilles. lindenwood will be full no matter what. hockey kids have been there all day.

Rose said...

I can't play today, but I will tomorrow (speaking of which, hey Patrick! If you're planning on going, can you bring the girlbike?)

HUFFY said...

nobody likes me. lets play polo tonight.

nick said...

I'm am going to give some polo lessons tonight.

toph said...

does that mean your playing.

Anonymous said...

please bring whatever tool you brought to Lucky's party to tighten my crank-arm.
the girlbike should be ready by Wednesday evening, unless i'm overcome by laziness. i just need to add some cheap grips to the now shortened handlebars.

Tim D. said...

You all should play Friday afternoon before getting blasted since I will be in town and will be missing one of my normal polo nights. I'll probably bring the polo pony and just check here to see if anyone bites.

nick said...


Go buy this:

and this:

You should really buy something like this:

That set meets 95% of my needs working on things. I never use my 300 pc ratchet set because that little one accomplishes most of what I need. If you get this stuff, then you can work on your own bike!

Anonymous said...

thanks Nick, i'll probably buy the 53 pc. set today.
Tim D,
I would play polo Friday afternoon! we should try for l-wood, best place for polo party. at the moment, it looks like friday will be nice and sunday may rain.

toph said...

im going to scope out the courts right now. probably no dice but we'll see. i will post which courts are dry.

Anonymous said...

Ladies and gentle dudes, may I have your attention please. Polo will be played tonight. 6pm CST.
There's a 30% chance of rain forcasted.
If the rain stays away we go to MAPLEWOOD.
If it's raining were going to try out the Kingshinway BRIDGE (kingshighway between Manchester and 44)
Some of you have seen this spot. It's awesome. Trust me.

Please text or post if you are going to play tonight.
Let's play some troll polo!


Ben said...

I'm down.

Fingers crossed for a dry Maplewood.

Unknown said...

None for me tonight. I suck.

On another note: I got an email from Sveden in MPLS yesterday. He would like to know who from StL is going up for the Midwests next weekend. I kinda would too. King Shin Beef, yes? Me, Nick (playing seperately), yes. Who else? Can we get a second whole team together, or will we be one team and some stragglers? Or two teams and some stragglers?

Anonymous said...

I have to clarify with work if I can get off. When do u guys wana leave? Friday night or sat morn? Damn thats a long drive.

Unknown said...

I took Friday and Monday off. So I'd want to leave Friday morning. Split up the 10 hour drive however you'd like, party with the locals Friday night. Sleep, win, party, sleep, win, party, sleep, drive home Monday.

Anchovy said...

im on the fence. If it doesnt rain and its dry there, i will play maplewood. If it does rain. I dont know, i might try the bridge thing.

Tim D, i bet we can get a game together on Friday night, for a while at least.

Ben said...

Where's Toph with the rink report?

Anonymous said...

I'm busy tonight. I'm a maybe for Friday.


Anonymous said...

Maplewood is too wet, half the court is under inches of water. i tried to use the power-blower but it was ultimately futile. where else? l-wood? Willmore? bridge? -Patrick

COACH said...

Kingshighway bridge. Between Manchester and 44. Bring cones and rock hard Franklin reds.

Anonymous said...


what is the road that leads under the Kingshighway bridge?

Anonymous said...

go to the jiffy lube at manchester and kingshighway and head south on the road that is NEXT to Kingshighway. You'll see the spot

Anonymous said...,-90.265072&sspn=0.001919,0.005069&ie=UTF8&split=1&rq=1&ev=p&radius=0.16&hq=jiffy+lube&hnear=&ll=38.62511,-90.264916&spn=0.001919,0.005069&t=h&z=18

Anonymous said...

awesome! that's easy to find. looking forward to troll polo. if anyone needs a ride, call my cell. -Patrick

Ben said...

I'll be at the bridge before 6.

notquitealibrarian said...

Holy crap you guys have a lot of comments.

Anyways, not strictly polo related, but just wanted to get the word out to anyone that might have a possibility of coming.

If any of y'all are coming down to BFF in Memphis, there's an alleycat the day after at 2pm. Ya can check my blog ( for details if you're interested. Hope to see some of y'all at polo at BFF!

Ben said...

I'm so tempted to write "The Tale of the Kona."

It would be an epic novel about a young boy finding the love of his life in a 15" single speed Kona. Strangely, the young boy loans his lovely Kona to his friend only to have that friend promptly beat the hell out of her and then offer to buy the Kona for a fraction of her original purchase price.

Moments after the transaction, the Kona is sold to another owner named, Anchovy: Keeper of the Bikes.

Who will claim the Kona next and have it transform his/her polo game into something special?

Why did the young boy selling his dream polo bike to play on a 43cm track bike?

Why am I slamming my head on my desk?

These questions and more will be answered in the first volume of the eight volume series, "The Tale of the Kona."

Warning: The story is tragic and frustrating.

Anchovy said...

Aww Kona will be ok soon Ben. I am meeting the guy who owns the Kona later this eve to purchase the Kona. Topher does not own the Kona. (I don't think it would fit you anyway, Julia). While a fraction of the cost now I think it's pretty accurate due to the current condition.
I have a nishiki that would make a great girls polo bike. It's girl sized even. You can search nishiki on Craigslist and see it. It's turqouise. I would sell it for $40.

Ben said...

Julia should test the Kona. If it doesn't fit, Francis should take a crack at it. He's progressing like crazy, and the Kona would do nothing but help.

(I'm secretly waiting for the day when Francis plays with Bloomington dudes again. They're going to be like, "WTF are they doing to Francis in STL. He's ripping!")

Ben said...

Buy it!!

The Girl + The Kona

complete equation said...

= polo slaying

Gran Chov ole Opry said...

I rode around on a 64cm road bike the other other day after I lowered the seat all the way. That doesn't mean it fit me.

polo instead of skyzone said...

i want to play polo. friday night. forget about skyzone!

COACH said...

^^ Dumbest idea ever.

Skyzone for lyphe!

AnAnchovychovy said...

FUCK YEAH! the Kona is back!!! She is back but now she is all loose ( a loose headset, bb, rear wheel and different front wheel [loose as well]). Who treated her this way? Who would give her away like that and lie about her?
Im never letting you out of my arms again. I'm sorry baby. I know, I know. I was wrong. I never meant this to happen. Shhhhh. Quit's all okay now. It's gonna be ok...daddys home. Shh. Go to sleep. ...that's right...I got you now.

Tim D. said...

If polo were to happen tomorrow, what time frame are we talking? Do I have time to go eat Indian food midday? Because, you know, I needs to get my curry on...but I'll be at polo whenever and where ever it may be.

Weatherman said...

The weather doesn't want us playing polo tonight or this weekend.

Tim D. said...

It's a little moist, but it's supposed to clear off today.

anchovy said...

If it dries up it would be around 6 at lindenwood.

Ben said...


Anchovy said...

it may be all wet all day at Lindenwood. It will have to get pretty sunny to dry that place out. We could play on that hill Jake discovered under Kingshighway bridge. Its pretty easy to find. But it is a hill also. Not the worst place ever.

Anonymous said...

are there any electrical outlets at Lindenwood park? doesn't someone have a gas power blower? if we arrived around 5 could we have the court ready by 6? with two people using power blowers and someone sweeping too. i have ear muffs to share so the noise isn't annoying. -Patrick

Unknown said...

I own a squeegee and a push broom, too. For folk who don't want to look like suburban tools waving their wastefull lawn care implements around.

TOPH said...

i would not be opposed to the Beef Bridge. i like this area becuase it sounds like a stage in level 5 of Super Mario World. my favorite would be lindenwood though.i can be there a little after five. chovi or lucky. do you have a chain whip? (can i buy it from you. break it. sell it to someone else. then you can buy it back from them? sound good?) colin please bring that money next time we play polo for christs sake.

Anchovy said...

TOPH-I got a nice chain whip you can buy, sell to somebody, claim over and over that you didnt sell it, and then i can buy it back beat up and unmaintained.
But for real i have one you can use. You need a threaded on cog removed? You can drop by anytime today and pick it up if you want. Im home all day.
You want to trade anything for that 22t freehwheel you got?

Anonymous said...

The Sun is out! Horray!
POLO 5:30pm @ Lindenwood (show up early to push puddles off the rink)
BRING: Beer, Broom, Blower, A-game.

Tim: Cant wait to play with u again. dont fill up on curry.

Chovi: Play on the KONA today?

Patrick... I hate U. Theres no outlets @ Lindenwood... thats why we had a generator for Lucky's birthday. Also why we play at Maplewood (for light). If u need ear muffs for a gas blower you need to stay home and find out how to play roller derby.

toph said...

king. best polo comment ever! (sorry patrick) chovi- i sold that freewheel to nick for 10 bucks. i just need to change out my 16 toother for a 20 tooth cog.

Unknown said...

I read an article the other day where they called men's roller derby "dangle derby". Ha!

If you want the squeegee and broom, can someone come pick me up at home around 6? Otherwise, I can just bike over.

Anonymous said...

<------------- Forgot he has BMX shows in Shrewsberry at 630. I'll be at polo by 530. Leave. Then I'll come back after (7:15-30). Yay. All are invited to the elementry school. For some BMX-citement

nightmare on Landsdowne Ave. said...

lets all go over and get heckle jake during his shred session at the grade school. be sure to wear helmets and pads kids.

Anonymous said...

King, when I get excited about stuff, like friday polo party and improving weather forecasts, i forget things, like no outlets anywhere at l-wood. i offered the shooting ear muffs just to be helpful to anyone who showed up early.

Anonymous said...

This club doesnt need that kinda help...
Wana help?
You can...
Fix a net, repaint some lines, dry a court, organize an event, wear shoes, Party to Andrew WK till u puke blood, rob a child of candy, bite someone, kick a kitten, make wheel covers, make mallets, fix your bike(s), give Lucky a ride, convince Toph to ride freewheel(you play much better), watch youtube "bike polo", courtesy flush, put bar ends on your bikes, make a card for Julia, buy a generator, play smarter, give Ben money, check Anchovi, take notes from Trent, ect... Theres thousands of ways to help.

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