Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The NEW New Chaos Machine. This shit is Dialed!!


Lucky said...

Six times awesome, Lee. I can't believe you kept the front brake/suspension fork option. You do seem to do pretty well with it, I suppose.

Lucky said...

Also, Trent: as if yer not already busy enough - I have lots of new white coroplast if King Shin Beef want wheelcovers to match their jerseys.

Anonymous said...

We are going to destroy everything in our path

Ben said...


anchovy said...

that is all kinds of awesome. That thing is screaming for a bmx stem/bars combo. So killer.
Did you grind the teeth off?

PS are we gonna polo on Wed night?

Rose said...


I'll polo it up on Wednesday.

anchovy said...

im in. I think its the PERFECT time to get the "A" team together and get out there and give the whole team a test run.
I got a new guy showing up i hope.
Wed night
Maplewood i assume. no lights without generator. Sad
6? 6:30?

nick said...


That is awesome. Even better keeping the front suspension fork.

King, Shin & Beef,

You guys are going to kill. I can't wait to watch you tear up NAs.

Lee said...

I'm getting a root canal tomorrow afternoon. So don't count on me for polo tomorrow night. I might make it, but its a pretty big maybe.

The new rig is pretty bad ass. I ground the teeth off the big ring and want badly to BMX the front end, but I don't want to make any big changes before the tournament. I sticking with ugly tried and true.


Attn to detail said...

Nice "Cars are Coffins" decal on top tube.

Tim D. said...

Hahaha...I saw this post on the .ca blog roll and immediately knew it had to be Lee's just by the suspension fork. Lookin' good, sir.

Ben said...

I'm on the fence about playing tonight. I haven't packed at all, and yesterday I had a bad stomach cramp that may still be lingering today.

Anonymous said...
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zach-bloomington said...

Holy fuck it was great seeing you guys again!

"ugly tried and true." hell yeah! lee i would say sorry about your bike, but the fact that you managed to find a new frame and start a new bike before the rest of us had even finished our second beer was pretty awesome.

So sorry if i was a little tired at the watering hole, I had been up for nearly two days beforehand. But always polo > sleep.

Anchovy said...

Well I'm still down. 6:30 maplehood.


come to polo tonight if you are going to madison. we are test fitting stuff in the van

Ben said...

Hey! If you're going to Madison, is one hotel room enough, or should Lucky book a second room?

Cheap and cramped VS not-so-cheap and spacious.

Think about it. Let us know.

Ben said...

Ps. I'll be at Maplehood tonight. If you have a light, please bring it. We'll try to avoid blowing the fuse again.

nick said...

I say we get adjoining rooms

Kayce said...

Cant wait to hear stories of that beautiful green machine covered in blood and North American tropies.

PS I cant make it out tonight.

Clark Griswold said...

I'm gonna have fun and you're gonna have fun. We're all gonna have so much fucking fun we'll need plastic surgeory to remove our godamn smiles. You'll be whistling 'Zip-A-Dee Doo-Dah' out of you're assholes!

Lucky said...

Ben booked the room through hotwire, so it would be almost impossible to get adjoining rooms, as you don't get to see which hotel you've booked with until after you've paid.

Going through regular channels like hotels.com and stuff, a room at the hotel Ben booked at would cost 110-120 a night.

There are 3 hotels on hotwire within 2 miles of the courts, 2 have pools and are 59/night. One of those might be the same hotel Ben booked at. The third one has no pool, and was 32/night when i checked this morning.

I can book a second room, but it will be a gamble as to whether or not we're all in the same hotel.


Clark is a genius! I almost posted the same quote!

Party Animal said...

Same Hotel is a must

nick said...

I have some rebar I have been bending in the evenings. Should I bring a couple sticks to bend before our matches?

Ben said...

YES, Nick! Bring all you can.

Ben said...

Ps. Lee's bike is getting sicker by the minute!

Ben said...

Lucky, come to polo tonight. We can browse Hotwire on my phone. The hotel I booked was $59/night and has the most features...Mainly ones we don't need (golf course, business center, etc).

Evannn said...

You may be able to call the hotel and see if we can do ajoing rooms... If it means there filling another room then they might be more accommodating. And if not, you could always just get another room in the same hotel... I think Party Animal would be ok with that

Evannn said...

P.s. The bmx setup on the new new machine looks sooooooo sick... Let the shredding realllly begin!

Anchovy said...

Shit lee, that's awesome. Was your oral surgeon the one who hooked you up?
Ps, I love working in the experimental mallet lab. It's fun.

Toph A. Loaf said...

yes! that was like 12 hrs of no bike time. amazing. i cant polo tonight, but it doesn't really sound like thats been coming up much. it is with the upmost confidence that i say. "STL will shred this weekend. There WILL be BLOOD. and i aint talkin bout that Paul Thomas Anderson shit neither. let the shredding....CONTINUE!"

Tim D. said...

Rigid Fork!!! Holy God, you'll be even faster now!

Kayce said...

Toph(and everyone else) here is a link to stars and watercarriers on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlB4gms5elo

Information said...

Tomorrow: We shred the highway.

Friday - Sunday: We shred the competition.

Andrew WK said...

Friends make life happier and music makes life partier.

Ben said...

Nervous. Excited.

Lucky said...

Also nervous. Probably for different reasons. See y'all soon!

Ben said...

Who is bringing HULK HANDS?!

Lucky said...

I thought 'Chovy had 'em all

nick said...

Already packed mine. Trent has my other one.

Anonymous said...

Trent can drive agressive! Airflow: minimum. Fun: full power!

ANCHOVY said...

games UPDATE!!!

Kayce said...

According to .ca after day one KingShinBeef is 10 out of 32 in the morning group.

Lucky said...

King Shin Beef will advance to the 32 team double elimination tomorrow. Nick's team, Evan's team, and Julia's team will not.

I am beyond sunburnt, and had to stop reffing games this morning cos I was starting to heat stroke out. Sold a few things, it's been pretty fun so far.

Anonymous said...

I just returned to St. Louis and having used the internet for the first time in over a week, i see everyone is rocking the tournament this weekend, but is anyone left in town for Sunday polo? -Patrick

PEE-PEE said...

oh man. soccer players peed all over the courts! no polo today dudes.

anchovy said...


then click on the "double elimination bracket" link.
This is supposed to be updated live. Lets hope for the best for our STL dudes.

anchovy said...

Well it rained (but now its dry out). We can play today if we get enough together. Anybody up for it?
What do people think?
Thats 7 if you guys can/want to play.

TOPH said...

im out. girlfriend getting back in town from chicago tonight.

Anchovy said...

Sad. King shin beef is out of the running. Cheer on for COMO, maybe we can keep it MO.

Anonymous said...

alex here, sorry to hear about ksb, I've been following the tourney and rooting for ye from haiti. maybe como will have better luck (what's their team name?). hope everyone's well, talk soon..

Toph A. Loaf said...

awesome alex. im sure they played their hardest and in times like this, the best you can is good enough. congrats to KSB for making it as far as sunday. im sure some dudes didnt even expect them to get past friday. this is truly a sign and that STL and COMO POLO came to play. i think i can speak for all of us when i say...we are so proud of you.

Anchovy said...

Como was "like chicken". They are knocked out also.

Lucky said...

CoMO did pretty well at this one. KSB landed something in the mid to high 20's out of 60-something teams from all over. I'm sure proud of 'em.

Thanks to you guys and gals for cheering 'em on from home. Can't wait to get back to the 'Lou tonight.

Toph A. Loaf said...

like chicken,was that the team Evan was playing on or Laser.

Anonymous said...

polo tonight anyone? -Patrick

Brick Tamlin said...

its raining...or at least its going to.

Anonymous said...

If you go here
And click on "check what group your in" you will find a list of all the teams along with who is on that team.

AARRRGH. said...

my comp at work wont let me look at that page. TURDS!!!!
yo chovi. check out the "fixed freestlyle" AKA bmx cranks at 1/8th inch and let me know what you think. seems like a good deal. BB included. also is 48spline chainwheel the same as 19mm? im using you as my ultimate BMX parts authority.

anchovy said...

yeah toph, those dont sound bad. Heres the thing, if you buy profiles you can resell them later (even 5-10 years later). Invest in quality right off the bat. If you buy those others, while a good deal now, most likely you never will you be able to resell them down the line. Ya know? Buy good shit the 1st time and you are actually making an investment. That stuff is important to me, but may not be to you. I guess not everybody needs to think that way so its not biggie. Any made in America bike parts will always be somewhat collectible (thats something i just cant shake that out of my head)
2nd part: yeah 19mm is the diameter and 48spline is how many, well, splines the spindle has. This size was made popular by Profile. Those spline drive, slide onto the spindle sprockets are just now becoming popular.

Toph A. Loaf said...

i think im gonna go with the 1/8th inch ones. i know there chinese and all but there cheap and it comes with a BB. for me its really a matter of cost. spending anywhere from $150-200 on cranks and BB or spending $120 and getting something im gonna trash anyways. buying stuff for my regular bike i totally agree with you.
so, would i be able to use a 19mm BMX chainwheel on these cranks. i've read that this is kind of a weird size and can lead to a few problems. maybe 1/8th inch might have solved this by creating their own chainwheels, but they only go down to 35 tooth and i need smaller. these seem entirely modeled after profile cranks. just way cheaper. and easier to find in 160-165.

anchovy said...

Yeah. i hear ya. Sometimes it makes sense for that kind of thing. Im not knocking your decision.
just email me at hamchovy at hotmail.com so everybody here doesnt have to read our conversation.

Anonymous said...

looks like no more rain till late tonight! but it might rain Wednesday!


Lucky said...

Fuck you Lincoln, IL! Fuck you in the eye!

nick said...

Fuck Madison and its breaking vehicles. 2 for 2.

Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

given the rainy forecast Wednesday, would anyone like to play Polo on Thursday or Friday?

Anchovy said...

What vehicles got broke? Did the van break in Lincoln IL?

Anonymous said...

The van is stuck in Lincoln. LINCOLN!!! I hate that place. I cannot believe I have to go back there again.

Anonymous said...

I didnt get hurt!!! Its a miracle. King-Shin-Beef had a great rally.

Kurt Loader is stuck in a god forsaken shit hole. We must go back for him!

Lincoln Il sucks just as hard as Madison Wi!

Missouri Wins the party! Prize: we had waaaay more fun than the other teams.

See u fools Sunday!

Anchovy said...

Sat night there is a MeAgainstTheWorld art show I'm in at Atomic. All Y'all should goto that. (sorry rose,francis & evan we will have to reschedule our wildzero party)

satan spotted said...

third from the bottom


Anchovy said...

Hey guys. I just got a metric shit tonne of decent
parts. Cranks, BB, brakes, stems, uh pedals. All kinds of stuff. If anybody needs anything I might have it. It's all either cheap or free...or like $1 a part. Good stuff for road bikes also if anybody needs parts for their daily commuter.
Lmk what you need and I can check to see if it's here.

Toph A. Loaf said...

that art show sounds like fun. does anyone want to play tonight? or thursday? i can play tonight but i will be late. we could just give the rinks another day to dry. but i'm pretty sure there dry now.

Toph A. Loaf said...

correction. their dry now.

Toph A. Loaf said...

okay. just checked the weather. rain 30 percent but not till 10. can we please play polo tonight.

Anchovy said...

I'm in

nick said...

my bike is in kurt loader (I hope)...

No polo for me

Francis said...

Rose and I are in, looks like Evan and Anchovy also. Anyone else?

Liz said...

me, but i may be a little late...

Toph A. Loaf said...

ben? lee? polo? or are your bikes in kurt loder?

Anchovy said...

Well 6-6:30 Maplewood as long as no rain

Toph A. Loaf said...

im in north county right now. and its about to open up, like for real. im gonna be stuck here until this fucking STL weather shit quits. i fucking hate rain. more than anything, except for lincoln IL. hopefully its moving north and not south.

Liz said...

it's pouring in ucity right now. looks nasty out and it's thundering real loud. boo urns.

Toph A. Loaf said...

FUCK! i fucking hate this midwest bullshit! BOOOOM!!!

Liz said...

i'm bailing unless it gets way better cause the thunder and lightening up here is wild. radar shows this is could be going on for a while.

Lucky said...

There are either 5 or 8 bikes and a bunch of wheels up in Lincoln. Most of our mallets, too.

Toph, don't talk smack about the midwest or thunderstorms. Them shits is beautiful and beneficial.

A kid who grew up around here that now lives and plays polo in San Diego, CA will be in town for a week, in a week. He's staying with family out in the county, but wants to know if anything besides polo is going on end of July.

Toph A. Loaf said...

so minus the people who's bikes are in illinois. does anyone feel like playing tomorrow night? And Im Sorry MIDWEST for talking shit about your unpredictable ass weather. even though by now i should expect it.

Rose said...

Francis and I could probably play tomorrow.

Lucky said...

Results are up! KSB placed somehwere between 17th and 24th out of 66 teams from across the US and Canada (and France).

St Louis also won "best couch" and "best cut-off denim jackets".

zach-bloomington said...

eighth photo down! (note the caption)


Anonymous said...

Kurt Loader Update:

Nick is helping me out and we're going to get the van on saturday. He has spent far too much time in Lincoln. It is time to bring him home. I checked with O'Rielly's yesterday, everything is still good.

Anonymous said...

did y'all polo last night? it turned into a great night for bike ride anyway. i would love to play tonight and tomorrow. -Patrick

Lucky said...

Welcome home party for Kurt! Saturday evening in trent's garage. BYO wrenches and sockets.

STL's Coach said...

Work on Kurt Loader and kicker ramp party!

I'll bring the beerz.

Toph A. Loaf said...

Hey. Do you have a bike? Is it not stuck in Hoosier Lincoln? Can you ride it? Great. Do you want to play polo tonight?

Toph A. Loaf said...

check out the photos. jake did get hurt. he got his head chopped off. but he's obviously fine. it will take more than a simple decapitation to slay the beast. KSB.

Jen said...

Check out this sweet photo I stumbled upon on mayorslay.com!


Anonymous said...

Another reason to love Saint Louis: The mayor supports shredding.

Anonymous said...

friday polo party? lindenwood? i'll bring beer and wine.

Ben said...

Most of our club's bikes and mallets are stuck in Lincoln, Illinois. There can't be a polo party at Lindenwood until a group of us goes on a 2-hour driving party to get our stuff.

Anonymous said...

no need to go get your stuff. It'll be back on saturday.


Lincoln, Ill Theme Song said...


Nigel said...


Lincoln, Illinois said...
