Friday, August 13, 2010

Hood Kicks Tonight

Hood Kicks. Tonight. Bike/Metrolink to the show. Who is going?


Lucky said...

Probably. Where/when are we meeting up to hop on the train?

Ben said...

Are we stopping at Johnny Brocks to buy Jason masks before we jump on the train??

I think we should.

Lucky said...

Hey All.

I talked to the New Belgium Rep. He's excited to have up on board at the bike-in movie nights, and will include us in the flyers and posters for the September and October events.He also said that the Lock-in sounds like the sort of thing that the Brewery could get behind. Certainly with beer, possibly with cash.

However, he can not give us any money right now to build a court for the Atomic Cowboy Demos. The cheapest way to build courts is with 16" high sides and 32" high ends. 16 sheets of 7/16" OSB would cover a 36' X 120'court. Plus 23 2" X 4" for bracing, means it'll cost about 175 bones to build.

20-25 bucks per regular polo player would raise enough money. Think of it as an investment in StL Bike Polo. This is the most likely to succeed scheme to recruit some new blood for the fall and winter.

Oh, and the first bike-in movie night is this coming Tuesday, 8/17. So if we're going to make that one. I need cash super quick so I can spend my now-free weekend ripping down sheet goods and nailing together braces. If we're not going to make this one, but do the September and October ones, I need to know just as quick so I can tell the Atomic Cowboy.

Murphy Lee said...

I love St. Louis and I love St. Louis Bike Polo.

WISDOM said...

Party! Party! Party! Party! Party!

Andrew W.K. said...

How early can you start partying on a Friday?

Hood Kicks Fan Club said...

King Dewys before Hood Kicks!


anchovy said...

Lucky. you want me to paypal you the $25?? is your paypal

Rose said...

I think my vote goes to skipping August, demo-ing Sept/Oct. Chances are that we aren't going to be losing too many prospective players by only doing 2/3 events, and this way we'll have more than (essentially) 3 days to deal with putting together boards and getting money and trying to get the word out that we're going to be there.

Don't know how anyone else feels. I'm working every day until movie-day, so my sense of how much time we've got to do things is probably a bit scrambled.

Lucky said...

I agree with Rose. We'd need that money collected and materials bought by this evening in order for me to spend all day tomorrow building courts. Let's set our sights on the September and October event to Demo at.

I'll let the new Belgium Rep and the Atomic Cowboy owner know our stance/plans.

Can we all make an effort to go to the Bike In Movie this Tuesday? Grab a drink, make our presence known to the bar, hand out some handbills advertising the club.

My paypal is lucky at slathaus dot com if that's how you'd like to chip in. Otherwise, I'll just collect at polo over the next coupla weeks.

Anonymous said...

It's my birthday on Monday. I am in town. Let's have a polo party.
Tomorrow (Sunday). Lindenwood 2pm

-the girl


Nick has secured a beer sponsor for the Lock-In.

What have you done lately for the Lock-In?

Anonymous said...

Let's party with the girl and play polo all day!!!

What have I done? said...

I was working on a different beer sponsor who may have been convinced to give money, too.

Ben made a flyer. And offered to make planning the Lock-in the subject of most of his free time for the next 5 months. Don't know if he called Robert at the Skatium.

Lucky said...

Live updating worlds bracket:

Chicago is killing it!

Obvious said...

There is always room for more beer at the locking

Lucky said...

That's not really how sponsorship works.

Beaver Boys beat Chicago to get the top spot. Final match will be MKE vs either Chicago again, A French team, or a German team.

Lucky said...

Chicago vs. France. Winner plays MKE for teh trophy.

Ben said...

Our current beer sponsor can't seriously believe we're only going to serve the limited supply they're offering us.

If you have connections (beer or otherwise), use them.

Lucky said...

Chicago Vs. Milwaukee for the World Title. They could've saved 1-2 thousand dollars a piece and just taken the bus to play eachother.

Lucky said...

Milwaukee wins 5-1 in less than 10 minutes. Bless whoever had to ref that mess.



If you have any extra sheets, please bring them to polo today.

Coach said...

All of you are late to practice. Prepare to do sprints as punishment for your tardiness.

Floppy said...

get those boards built yo. Just kicked in $10

Anchovy said...

Bikes for sale
Charlie Mack
8838 Pardee Rd, 63123

I ran across this guy early this spring. I bet he was 75+ years old. He had 2+ big garages FULL of all kinds of bikes. All good prices (at least i seem to remeber so). Lee, this might be a good place to try and find a replacement bike. It was kind of like a Bike Works place, but it was just one old guy with tons of bike crap everywhere.
The only drawback is he may be dead by now. He was very old, but funny and cool and knew his shit.
Alot of people ask me for bikes, and when im empty, i forget i should refer them to this guy.

Coach said...

One more polo session before The Girl leaves.


Maplewood. 6:45 PM.

Anyone interested?

Lucky said...

Not me. Friend's in from NYC. Goin' to grab dinner out, then drinks at the Silver Ballroom, if anyone would like to stop by. We'll prolly get to the bar around 7:30.

Anonymous said...

Im down for some polo!

Rose said...

I've got a family commitment and wouldn't be able to get there until after 8, but I would be up for playing.

Anonymous said...

i haven't taken either bike out of the car, so I could be at Maplewood on time, with an extra bike for whoever needs it. -Patrick

The Lock-In said...

Alright partiers, let's get partying!

If you love playing polo and partying for 24 hours straight, have I got news for you!

The STL Bike Polo Lock-In is officially a GO!

On January 15th, we will be hosting the greatest annual polo gathering the world has ever seen.

I have more info to share next time we're all together.

Andrew WK said...

PARTY TIP: If you really, really think about it, life is good.