Thursday, August 26, 2010


Hello to all the new kids, this is our blog. Here you will find a lot of smack talking, plus any changes to where or when we are playing on any given day, if it's not going to the usual Sunday afternoons at Lindenwood and Wednesday evenings at Maplewood. Plus special events, demonstrations, tournaments, polo players traveling through town, bikes for sale, etc.

For all the vets in the club: Please post your best advice for the new class. The piece of equipment, strategy, attitude, or whatever that has made the most difference in your game.


Lucky said...

Most people have figured this out already, but going from fixed to freewheel made the most difference to my game.

Not AndrewWK said...

Fixed Gear is only for hardcore polo!

Polo Advice said...

If you're not Chris from COMO, don't play fixed.

Anonymous said...

The best advice anyone could ever receive:

Dear STL Bike Polo,

Thank you so much for writing and reaching out for some party power. I appreciate you living with a party hard mindset. You are already full equipped with every necessary element of strength, focus, and joy - now it's time to unleash them more than ever before.

Here's the custom head-space that I present to you and your team: The St. Louis Bike Polo team is here on the planet Earth to live, to love, and to party hard every day. The meaning of our life is to take this day and this challenge and to master it. But not only master it, but to enjoy our mastery, and to excel and exceed our most fantastic expectations.This day will never come again, and we respect that simple yet humbling fact. We vow to give our all to what we believe in, to do what we love with all our hearts, and to party hard with all the passion we can muster.

St. Louis Bike Polo, I salute you. You are the winners! You are the champions. And togehther, WE are the hard partiers! Today is ours! Victory will ring a bell of celebration throughout the land!





Kayce said...

I play much better fixed than free. Lucky(and others) dont. Either way I dont like telling people that they shouldnt do something because it didnt work for me.

Anonymous said...

Some real advice...

I adapted every polo machine I have used to ride like my BMX bike. Because that's what I'm familiar with...

My advice to you is try to set up a bike that is close to whatever you normally ride. It will balance and ride similarly.

Gearing is the most crutial element weather playing fixed or free wheeled. Too high of a gear selection and you can't start from a stop. Too low of a gearing and you will be slow and tired. It's a delicate balance that takes some experimenting.

Start riding everyones bike at polo and see what u like and don't like. Set up your bike accordingly.

Kayce said...

Build what you can to start with, bike set up isnt as important for a new player. You will be able to change out stuff once you get used to the flow of the game, riding one handed, etc.

The biggest improvement Ive ever felt is going from an open mallet to a single cap

Cover your wheels, tape over/pad all your cable stays etc.

Have a very good brake, and a comfortable lever.

Plug your bars and mallet end.

Get a ball and ride around a parking lot to get used to playing the ball while riding, before you have to deal with court possition and defence.

Learn how to stand using your mallet.

Rose said...

I rode my polo bike around for awhile when I first got it so I could figure out how it handled a little better (I didn't/still haven't taken off all of the gears). I feel like it helped.

The best advice I got when I started was that if you can't figure out what you're supposed to do/where you're supposed to be, be in the way. Ride between players on the other team (to make passes difficult) or between players and the goal (to make goals difficult).

Rose said...

Addition to that last bit: I'm talking about riding parallel to people when I'm saying that, not hopping across someone's path so that you lead them into a t-bone (that's no good).

Ben said...

Buy it nice or buy it twice. (low quality parts break fast...polo makes them break faster)

Move into open space. (no one's gonna pass to you when you're surrounded by the other team)

Play the ball where someone's going to be...Not where they are. (anticipate)

Talk to your teammates. (tell them where you are...when they have space and open shots)

Break yourself of bad habits. (leaning on the goal...stupid, dangerous mallet swinging)

Embrace the fear. (don't hide from the scary stuff)

Accept the fact that you ARE going to get hurt. (you'll never become a shredder until you accept the fact that you could potentially get really hurt)

Lucky said...

Helmets are smart and required by most tournaments. Shin guards are for pedal strike and defending the net. If you fall on your knees a lot, wear knee pads. If you injure your hands a lot, wear gloves.

Going to the lumber yard on Saturday morning to buy stuff for the demo court. Need money and an assistant for the day. Let me know your schedules.

nick said...

Trust each other.

Ben said...

Nick does private polo training. Contact him if you want to learn skills a blog's comments section can't teach you.

Toph A. Loaf said...

listen to whatever Nick, Jake, Ben and Lee say. They are our best players. They will teach you lots. And wear a helmet too, cuz your proabably gonna fall down lots. When Anchovy yells at you, and he will yell. Try and understand what he is saying. Move around, dont just stay in one place, pay attention to where you teammates are (dont block out your own players or block your own players shots.) if you see one of your dudes with two guys on him try and loop around behind him and he will get you the ball. he cant pass it forward with two dudes on him. and if you see two guys on one dude that means the other teams is messing up and you can probably capitalize.(anchovy will tell you to do this specificaly) Lucky, Trent and Lee are probably the best for constructive critisism, so. this is important and nobody has really mentioned this yet. While bike polo is similar to other sports you need to remember(this sounds silly) that you are on a bike. Its not like you can turn around as easily as you can in other sports I.E. hockey soccer and football. I played hockey for 13 years and am actually still playing now and one of the hardest things for me(granted i play goalie) is turning around quickly. this is the most important thing. and some people in this club will not tell you this.
HAVE FUN! even if you are really bad at first...
ive said my piece no more from me.

Ben/Coach/Teammate/Friend said...

Honestly, the best advice I can give is: Observe the good players and ask questions.

What's the saying our parents and grandparents told us? "You have two ears and one mouth because you're supposed to listen twice as much as you talk." The same goes for your eyes. Watch twice as much as you talk.

Watch what the good players do, and learn from what you see.

When you have a question or need advice, ask one of the good players...No one in our club is unapproachable.

Several people have a wealth of polo knowledge, and they're happy to share it...if you ask. This knowledge can help you progress quickly, but people are not going to share it unless you ask for it.

It's like college; if you don't ask questions, the professors are going to assume you understand everything.

We want you to be the best polo player you can be. Don't be afraid to admit you don't know everything and ask questions.

Toph A. Loaf said...

good advice from a good player. Thanks ben.

Lucky said...

Hey Lee:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Lee:

Too bad it's a small.

Andrew W.K. said...

STATE YOUR PARTY INTENTION: Tonight I intend to party hard by...

Lucky said...

...hanging out in my place of employment until dark on a Saturday building a temporary rink for demo games at the Atomic Cowboy.

WooHoo! PArty King!

Anonymous said...

Ok guys, I need a ~30.0 seat post or shim to go down to a 27.2 so I can polo tomorrow... Can anyone help?

Lucky said...

If anyone wants to help me out in the shop today before polo, let me know. treeonefo' seven6nine 7fivetooate.

Also, if any of y'all with the time and an artistic urge feel like decorating the demo boards with color, stencil, illustration, graff, or whatever, let me know. We'll arrange a time for you to do that. This week or next weekend.

Anonymous said...

White boards with red blood splatters!

Anchovy said...

Polo at 2. Lindenwood park. On Jamieson.

Anonymous said...

2pm =/= 3pm

Anchovy said...

Sean, I brought 2 shims, but I don't know the size. 27.2 post are about $15 and usually in stock at REI.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Anchovy, I have many 27.2 posts, THE BIKE im building is ~30.0... I' be down a bit later today...

Anchovy said...

Ohhh. Well your welcome to try the shims I brought.

Anchovy said...

Dear Lucky-
Will you sell me the duoble brake hardware minus a lever? If so, how much?
Love Anchovy

Liz said...

hey lucky, could i get the contact info for your friend dumptruck in chicago?



Andrew W.K. said...

PARTY TIP: You're actually even more amazing than you think you are.

Lucky said...

'Chovy - yes. 20 bones.

Liz - shoot me an email stllucky at gmail dot com. I'll reply with the contacts.

Gonna be at the Bleeding Deacon this evening celebrating my new job. 7-10ish, if anyone wants to stop by.

Anonymous said...

What is going on with the demos?

When/where are they?

Rose said...

September 14 & October 12 at Atomic Cowboy (more specifically, on the street next to Atomic Cowboy). We start at 6, and go until the movie starts (which is the approximate time of "dusk").

I have a poster made up with the info that I have. I have to get the final one scanned. I've been carrying a stack of them in my car, so people can have a look at them on Wednesday.

Lucky said...

Also this coming Monday, September 4th, for the semi-official gateway cup afterparty. The owner is closing off the street at 4pm, we can build the court, play as long as we like, check out how well the street lights work, etc. There will be some free drinks for us, too.

I could really use a hand nailing all the braces together before then, as well as help transporting/setting up the rink at the Cowboy Monday afternoon. I've spent all the money Francis put in, paint would be extra. As cool as white with blood splatters would be, I don't have the time or cash to pull it off alone.

Lucky said...

Just confirmed with Joel (the new belgium rep): we start at 6. Movie starts at 8. Both nights.

Anchovy said...

Francis has been collecting money now. If you havent paid him, do so please. You now pay Francis instead of Lucky. Its $20-25 a person for the materials that lucky used to make the boards. Dont show up and plan on playing if you havent kicked in your share.
(If im wrong or you need to add anything feel free)
I got my truck, so let me know when and we can use that to transport the boards.

Anonymous said...

Wet, soggy, slick ass polo tonight?

nick said...

i'll be there.

I owe someone money for the boards. I missed the night it was collected. I guess i will pass it on to lucky.

Anonymous said...

Lucky said...

Lindenwood? 6pm.

Rose said...

I'm in for tonight.

I can't help with setting up the boards on Monday, but I'm more than happy to help with taking them down at the end.

Anonymous said...

i have class till 8, but i'm up for polo afterwards, regardless of the weather. -Patrick

Francis said...

I'll play tonight. I have to be at work at 5 on monday so I can't make it. If you are still there when I get off around 11 I'll come by.

Anonymous said...

Is it Lindenwood for sure?

Rose said...

No one was anywhere when I drove by.

...but Lindenwood has picnic tables again!

Lucky said...

Hey Everyone, I'm an idiot. The Gateway Cup afterparty at the Atomic Cowboy that we're supposed to be doing a demo/hosting an open court at is SATURDAY evening, not Monday.

Is that still good with all your schedules?

Lucky said...

Set up court at 4 when they close off the street. Play from 5-8. Break it down. Go do whatever.

nick said...

i'll try and make it.

Trent said...

not gonna work for me. i'll be at a wedding.

LOL 90s PARTY said...

90210 PARTY :

The Skatium.
5 Bucks
Livers, Humanoids, 90s Dance PaRtY

anchovy said...

Im at a wedding also.

Lucky said...

Geez. That's a "no" from Trent, Lee, Nick, and Chovy. "Yes" from me, Evan, Francis, Rose, and Jake (for a while). Can we borrow a coupla bikes from the regulars who can't make it out so we have enough loaners to get spectators to play?

Also, I will need help Saturday to finish making, delivering, and setting up the court. Please.

Anonymous said...

I have to work at 7. It will be a very limited session and help from me but I'll be there to help

francis said...

I have to work at 4 on Saturday, but you can borrow my bike.

nick said...

PARTY TIP: Nobody can stop you from having fun... except you.

Rose said...

I can also help with set-up on Saturday. Just let me know when/where to be.

Lucky said...

I need someone at the shop around 10am to help build the braces and pack up the boards to take to the Atomic at 4.

Then I need help at the Atomic screwing the whole mess together.

Then I need people to hang out, play polo, and have fun.

Anchovy said...

I got a fresh restock of ski poles. $12 a pair. Lots of scotts. First come, first serve basis. Thanks to Drew via Trent for the heads up on these.

Anonymous said...

I'm backpacking all day saturday and sunday morning, its been planned for a while, but hopefully i'll be at polo sunday. -Patrick

Rose said...

I'm not sure I can be there for the morning, but I can help with afternoon transport/set-up. I will call tomorrow (got your number from the earlier post).

Anonymous said...

I'm not seeing 6 people showing up for this demo.

Lucky said...

Agreed. I just emailed the owner and canceled. I'll call him after noon to confirm.

Sorry about screwing up the dates. More sorry about going off the reservation and trying to force a priority without the expressed consent of more of the club. I do tend to be autocratic. Sorry if any of you feel forced into anything.

Hopefully, Chip will still let us do the Bike-in movie nights. I think more of you thought that was a good idea in the first place.

See you tomorrow for regular, good-ole', pick-up bike polo in the park.

Evannn said...

Well crap... I was really looking forward to some polo this evening. Welp I guess it's another bmx training night since everyone else is busy haha

Toph A. Loaf said...

finally better after battling bubonic plague for 3 weeks. see you at polo tomorrow.
-would anybody feel like playing some labor day polo? Monday?

From The Party Van said...

We are partying on mountains!

Anonymous said...

Polo at 2pm at lindenwood!!!!!!
Not 3... 2!!!

Toph A. Loaf said...

three for me! late as usual.

Anchovy said...

Polo now till? Lindenwood park

Anonymous said...

would anyone like to play polo today?


Alex B said...

hey folks, i'm back in town and in the market for a new polo rig. anyone aware of a ready- or near-ready-to-ride poloable bike for sale around town? thanks!

Anonymous said...

Iv got an old kona already single speeded. $45

Anonymous said...

there is a Glenlivet Scotch tasting at the Wine and Cheese Place from 5-7 on Wednesday, too bad I'll be in class, trying five different absurdly expensive wiskeys might be a nice appertizer before polo.

Anonymous said...

I left 1/2 a bottle of that stuff in a b&b somewhere inScottland.... Burns going down and coming back up! Couldnt stand the stuff... OVD rum is the way to go!!!

Liz said...

Does anyone want some campaign signs that can be turned into wheel covers? I will bring them to polo tomorrow if so.

the girl said...

i'm back... (again) Can some one bring a spare rig for me to play on tomorrow? please and thank you.

Anchovy said...

YES! bring all those signs. We all want them and if nobody does, i do.

Alex B said...

jake! coming out tonight? can you bring out the kona?
looking forward to the reunion, and the polo of course!

Anonymous said...

I could use a few of those signs wor wheel covers! Can't make it out till Sunday though... Can someone hold me a 4 or more?


Anonymous said...

BTW there's an Air show at Scott Air Force Base this weekend... It's located near Maschutah...