Weird weekend. Most interesting thing learned on Sunday (besides another lesson in why I should wear my shin guards and some basic 6 vs 6 strategy) is that in St Louis, neighborhood associations have a lot of say in how the parks in their 'hoods get used. It goes from the local homeowners, to the Aldermen, to the parks dep't. The parks can't build without appropriations, and the Aldermen aren't going to give them the money for ideas their constituents don't like, cos that would be politically stupid.
We have a verbal agreement with some influential people at Lindenwood that we can have the rink from 2pm on Sundays. The Alderman heard it, the park ranger(s) heard it. Kacye brokered the compromise by being reasonable, cordial, and persistent. Any one of you who did anything else were not helping our cause. We'll follow up with the Neighborhood association at their next meeting to get written permission to have bike polo be allowed in that (and therefore, by aldermanic courtesy, every St Louis City) park. The verbal agreement and the 12-2 is for hockey, 2-dark is for polo compromise should hold up on their own until then.
We also ran into someone from the Mt Pleasant Neighborhood Association. He was excited to see people using the rink and took a few pics to pass along to the other members and the alderman, who are right now considering wrecking the rink in favor of a physical resource that might get more use. There may be a meeting or two we can go to down there to support keeping the rink. If any of you have friends who play roller hockey or who want to practice roller derby, or any other use (aside from telling the soccer players about it) live near there or use that rink, let 'em know it's in danger of being torn down.
And yes, I told the guy that if it was already a done deal that we would dismantle and haul away the old boards.
In the meantime, we've been linked to by the Mt Pleasant Neighborhood Association, and we're the first thing that come up when anyone googles "St Louis" and "Bike Polo". So only curse in your replies after 9pm, when the kids go to sleep.
Speaking of what comes up when you google us, according to google adwords "STL bike polo" averages more monthly searches (260 per month) than any other bike polo club, even beating out searches for "league of bike polo" (170 per month). I guess all of our fear mongering, and lack of participation on made us pretty famous somehow.
Some other clubs of note:
"London bike polo" 110
"NYC bike polo" 73
"seattle bike polo" 58
"Milwaukee bike polo" 58
darn you STL for being so hardcore. well done on the business end of things. I was hoping as I read this post that *IF* Mt Pleasent courts were to disappear that Bloomington would gladly come truck them away!
No way in hell Bloomington. You need to work on not hitting people in the face.
Well done Lucky and Kayce. We should consider writing or calling our aldermen to see if our neighborhoods would be better suited to house the rink... Tower grove park perhaps...
I'm surprised our site is Googled that much! Rad!
Wanted: black chloroplast & black mallet material
Today is the day... Exercise your rights and VOTE!
Our offer to dismantle the court and take the boards should the neighborhood association decide against keeping the rink is on the Alderman's desk. If we wanted it in another city park, we would have to convince another N.A. to petition their alderman to fund the surfacing, which Nick can tell you is some pretty expensive flat work.
It would probably cost less and be less hassle to find a warehouse space and build the polodium.
Tower Grove isn't a city park, it's maintained by a private foundation.
"It’s the Parks Division of the Parks Department that operates and maintains the 105 parks in the City of St. Louis."
My yellow Kona polo bike is for sale. Ross has dibs on the Eno rear wheel, and I'm keeping the front. If it comes with wheels they won't be nice. It is a great bike for polo, but I want something new.
If you are interested email me trentsturmsATgmailDOTcom
The bike will be pretty affordable.
If we get the Mt. Pleasant boards, we're totally getting a polo warehouse. And that asset will result in STL Bike Polo being another rung higher than all of the other polo clubs out there (at least 18 rungs below us).
PS - The STL vs. Bloomington war is on. You gave Jake a black eye...We're giving all of you death.
I sent a few emails and tried to figure some things out to get more people in power(mainly the neighborhood association) to know about bike polo, and our use of the courts. Alderman Vacarro hasnt gotten back to me yet with an email adress for the Association or its president. Their next meeting isnt until December 6th. Once I get in touch with the board I will let you guys know whats happening. If any one wants to be more involved with all of this, or has any ideas please let me know. I might not be the best person to do this, but right now Im the one. If you want to change that lets talk.
I'm writing the head of the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Forestry right now.
I'm informing him about our growing sport and asking two things:
1. Can we play our game on city park property (ie. roller hockey rinks)?
2. If we can play on the rinks, what is the official rule for reserving the rink (ie. first come - first serve? hour on hour off?)?
I may send this via snail mail. A response may be a tad slower.
Writing about our club is awesome. Pages and pages about how awesome we are.
It's often easier to get forgiveness than permission.
My parents always told me, Don't ask a question, if you might not like the answer.
"PS - The STL vs. Bloomington war is on. You gave Jake a black eye...We're giving all of you death."
To clarify, "Bloomington" did not give jake a black eye-- "Bruce" did. His loose play already pissed off Indy and has now incurred the wrath of STL. Since we barely tolerate him to begin with so you all have our blessing to make him walk the plank...
I like to hit balls whilst riding my steed
We've talked to the Parks Dep't before. The are usually hands-off about the rinks, but will say "roller hockey only" if pressed. The reservation policy is first come, first served, according to them, too.
But now we know where the real power over the parks is. At the N.A./Aldermanic level. Pushing at the top of the parks pyramid won't turn it in our favor. Pushing from the bottom can move anything.
We already have tacit permission to play bike polo at L-wood from a coupla members of the NA, the Alderman, and the Park Rangers. If we go to the Dec 6th meeting with pictures of us fixing the goals and sweeping the court, we can get written permission to use the rink. Aldermanic courtesy would make that permission blanket at all city parks. That's how St Louis works, as I understand it.
If any one of you homo-wners has some 6' chain-link fence, we can buy the cable and stuff to secure it for less than 30 bucks. It would be a positive message to the N.A., and it would make going behind the net at speed a lot safer.
neighborhood associations have no influence on what happens in the park.
According to the alderman, and the parks department the neighborhood association is the group that has the most influence of the park.
If you were wondering, we're playing polo at Maplewood tonight at 6pm.
Show up on time. Let's shred!
Can someone bring a floor pump that's compatible with presta valves? Mine died yesterday.
My wrist hurts...
In my country, we call that a love tap.
polo! polo! polo!
Mt Pleasent~Mt Pleasent~Mt Pleasent
let's play hard and fast on the best court we've got.
Bring your A game because were TRAINING! TRAINING!! TRAINING!!!
Did you do any training today?
Training... Well I: Repaired my bicycle. Repaired others bicycles. Rode a chopper. Rode a tallbike. Rode my fixie. Rode a unicycle. Chugged beers out of pints. Welded and bent steel. Did one push up. Half a sit up. Chugged more beer. TRAINING!
PARTY TIP: Be really, really nice and listen to Slayer.
beer point at last year's lockin..
i think a good plan of action is to recuit all the kids from Mt. Pleasant to represent us. Go to the meeting on 12/6 and get them to do backflips and handsprings. for the duration of the entire meeting.
Anyone want to play tonight? I know it's last min but sounds like a good time with the club I love the best
Everybody bring your gifts for the lock in invitations...bring them sunday because They are going out tuesday.
+1 to what Nick said. Bring your additions to the care packages on Sunday!
It's time to party!
anyone want to hear something surprising?? i changed my plans! Well, the Korean immigration office sorta changed them for me... regardless, i am not moving to Korea until February. Lord help the Lou & the Lock-in!
So what the hell are these gifts I am supposed to be bringing
-the girl
go to the dollar store and buy the most ridiculous stuff you can find. fake tattoos, blood, scabs, party hats, american flag t-shirts....
A select few clubs will be receiving special invitations to our party. These invitations will be in the form of care packages. But we need to fill the care packages with random, awesome stuff. So if you have some things that can be added to the packages, please bring them to Mt. Pleasant on Sunday.
Anybody interested in starting at 12:30 tomorrow?
Sunday Polo - 12:30 PM - Mt. Pleasant
Show up at NOON! Party! Lee no leaving early to ride street
Watching the Birth of big Air and the Mikghty Ducks back to back this morning makes for a weird headspace today.
I'll be ready to try, fly, die, or cry at noon in Mt Pleasant. Someone who's driving please bring a broom for the leaves.
Who's got CONES?
We have a mismatch of 5 cones, they arent the greatest, but will do just fine at marking where the goals are.
should be 3 at Mt P already
Great polo today. Sorry to everyone I hit, drilled, checked or made bleed. Sorry I'm not sorry. ( :
Hey, ROSE!
Thanks anonymous!
ps. my lip's fine now.
I just put candles out with my flesh... Are you training?
I'm watching Joe Dirt on TBS. Training?
Yeah, I didn't think so either.
That things an atom-bomb! Jam that in the gas bucket. Yea, let's shoot fire balls at it!...
Wooo hoo looket that! Aww man were gonna get busted.
Knowing every line in that movie, training?
While I'm up here... Uh er. You! Show me them boobies.
Eeewww, I got the poo on me
Does anyone have a three-bike trunk-mount rack that we can borrow for the weekend? I thought mine was here, but it's with my car in Chicago.
Also, can anyone check in on my cats this weekend while I'm kicking ass in LEX?
Thanks for polo yesterday, everyone. Best club, best team.
Nick you left you sunglasses at Mt. Pee-Pee on sunday. I HAVE THEM, and you will NEVER GET THEM BACK.
Lucky I have a crap trunk/hatch rack you are more than welcome to.. Not as good as the one you have.. Really only fits 2 bikes well, lots of straps/bungie chords required to make it actually hold all 3.
Problem: Located in Mascutah..
Not a problem if you're coming to polo on Wednesday...
PARTY TIP: Eating banana pancakes counts as partying. So does drinking straight vodka.
Won't know if I can make Polo until Wed..
So are sundays allways mt plesant at 12 from now on?
Not necessarily. Maybe. I will depend on what everyone's in the mood for on that particular day.
I just read Charlie's application to our Polo party.
He's called-out the final game of the Bluegrass Boondoggle "UNDER THE LIGHTS!"
Someone in London took Jenny's idea.
PARTY TIP: Spend your money on fun.
Listen to me as hard as you fucking can...
Polo is tomorrow. At Maplewood. Be there before six (6).
Shut your fucking mouth when your talking to me.
I'm training right now.... are you?
greetings from the west! i will be home for at least a week at xmas time with both my polo bike and as many ski poles as i can find between now and then... so start saving your pennies if you need some.
REALLY REALLLY looking forward to playing some STL bike polo!!!
everyday is a new day.... of training. see you at maplewood.
Can someone bring a Sweedish-made Penis Enlarging Pump or floor pump tonight?
Worked late as usual, but should be in StL tomorrow shopping for a bore gage.. I could try to leave my crappy bike rack on your door step if you remind me of your address.
I think we found a rack. Thanks for the offer, though.
PARTY FOOD: Instead of bread and butter, try bread and Butterfinger.
I need a bike... and mallet... and practice.
Thanks for letting me jump in (or peddle around and slowly follow the ball) last night.
Welcome to the STL BIKE POLO. Just keeping coming each Wed. and Sun. The rest will follow.
Strap those bikes tight and keep it under the speed limit. Wouldn't want anything to fly off and endanger the life of several small children.
We wouldn't?
Just give me $1000, and I'll mail you the change.
I have a bruise on my shoulder that is vaguely chain-link shaped. I trained last night.
Hows your eye Kacye? My bad...
The eye doesnt hurt, but its got a nice multicolored shiner, and is swollen enough to mess with my vision.
I have a bruise on my chin that vaguely concrete ground shaped.
Quit kissing the pavement Jon.
Hey everyone that's going to be in town Sunday:
A lot of people want to play so figure out when and where and post it so your fellow players can find you!!!
Faster, Pussycat! KILL! KILL!
Rose is training harder than you.
I'm supposed to be shredding in two months' time. I've got to be workin' hard!
Who do you play for?
Lets play at 2:00 @ lindenwood on Sunday. Thats easy enough. See you there. Were gonna make teams and have our own mini round robin tournament!!! Just kidding, but it would be fun, dontcha think so? Im down if you guys are.
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