This past Sunday, thanks to rain and snow, we were forced to play under the bridge. The bridge is really just an overpass for highway farty-far where the road happens to be blocked off on both sides. It was filthy, not totally flat, but fun. Certainly won't replace Mt. Pleasant, but we could do worse for a back-up court. Trent's radio was debuted to much critical acclaim. Post up playlist ideas for rides, especially the full moon ride.
Ha! Farty Far. I thought that accent was a myth until I was at a Carondelet diner on my last trip. When I asked The waitress for change to get a paper, she went to the till, and said: "Here's yer fahr qwahrtars"
To anyone interested T-rent and I are leaving his place at 11:30am today to ride to Fast Eddie's in Alton. We figure we will get the the Chain of Rocks Bridge, drink a little bum wine or Sparks and wait for the FBC kids. We here they are towing a keg.
Unfortunately, the accent is very real. The accent is most prevalent in old ladies on the south side.
Polo tomorrow? It's supposed to be pretty cold, but dry. I vote for Mt. Pleasant at 2:00.
Mt. Pleasant at 2pm works great for me. I'm going rock climb ing prior to that, so anyone is welcome to join me for that, too. If not, I'll see you all at 2.
For polo today I'll have to see, I have a bunch of stuff to do today. I'll probably skip this one.
Holy cow, I am actually coming to polo today! It has been quite a while since I've seen you all (darn interviews). 2pm at Mt Pleasant sounds stellar.
And in other news... I bought a bike! It needs a little (lot) of TLC, so I'm not sure it will debut today or next weekend, but I'll bring it by so you guys can advise me how to trick out my ride. It's red. And amazing. Total cost? $5.
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