Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lexington Tournament



Lucky said...

I just came over here to post this exact same invite. Needless to say, I'm in.

Anonymous said...

90% chance i will be in NYC that weekend. Not sure, im going either that week or the next. Sucks, i want to go play polo.


I've played in Lexington when they used to play a grass game. The internet tells me they've gotten much better since then. I am probably in for this one.

nick said...

I might be in WI. If I am not, I am in for this.


I just realized that this is the same weekend as NIGHT OF FIRE at Cedar Falls Raceway. I think i am going to Iowa instead of Kentucky.

hellochris said...

como chris here. anybody want to form an all-missouri team for this one?

Lucky said...

I'm down with that if St Louis can't muster a whole team.

How serious are Nick and Pete about going to Denver next month? (The weekend before this thing in LEX)

Tim D. said...

Lucky, I think a bunch of us are going to Denver the weekend before. I would love to Lexington, too, but I work weekends, and getting off two weekends in a row would be highly improbable.

Lucky said...

Is there room in the wagon for one more? I can mega-bus it to CoMO. Then I'll probably fly back from Denver after y'all leave. My whole family lives there.

Unknown said...

Are we still playing tonight (6/24)??

Lucky said...

As far as I know, yes. Look for a 'chovy text around 5-6.

Anonymous said...

Ben, i lost your number. Can you email it to me at hamchovy@hotmail.com
I also lost Toph's. (iphone SNAFU)
Im gonna try and get a game on again this Wed July 1, 7:00. Wednesday is the new Sunday!

nick said...




You are forgetting that Wednesday is now motorcycle maintenance night. Jeez.

Anonymous said...

Somebodys gonna cry on whatever night i make it during the week. Sorry. I personally cant do Thursdays (KKK meeting, Komics Klub Knight), Mondays is free pizza at Lemons. That leaves Tue or Wed. I suggest you do MMN on Tuesdays from now on. And jazz up that club acronym with something like MLK, Motorcycle Lovers Knight. That way you can say "we got our MLK meeting to goto". Sounds cooler. MLK was a cool dude and he loved motorcyles.

Lucky said...

Imma register the one StL team that can make it out: Me, Nick, and Ben the super-rookie (who you can all start checking now). Prolly tonight.

Let's get together to plan the driving and such. How about Wednesday evening?

Unknown said...

A Wednesday planning session sounds good to me.

It also sounds like it's time to invest in some body armor.


Unknown said...

The tournament website says we MUST wear helmets and our mallets must be capped or plugged. How strict are they gonna be on these (lame) rules??

Lucky said...

Having your bar ends and mallet shafts plugged are not "lame rules". A guy in NYC had a core sample of his lung pulled out when he fell onto someone's bullhorns a coupla years back.

If you create a situation that is really dangerous for another player; t-boning, having something on your bike that could impale someone, tripping, etc, you are violating the first rule of bike polo: Don't be a dick.

Wearing a helmet is also not lame. Most big tournaments have insurance and most insurance issuers want to see participants in helmets.

Unknown said...

When it said that mallets must be plugged, I thought it meant your mallet head. ie: No open-ended mallet heads.

Thanks for clearing it up, Lucky.

Lucky said...

I see your confusion now. Yeah, any ole plastic mallet head that you want to play with is fine. No cut-off ends of aluminum baseball bats, though.