Reposted from Evan's Myspace blog:

Saturday Night Is Alright For Dancing!!!
Greetings World Wide Web!!!!
(remember when ppl used to call It that? yeah me either)
Im back baby!!!!!! Ive been pretty absent in both the online world and in the show playing real life world… but don’t worry… I HAVEEEEEE RETURNED!!!!!
I got a little overwhelmed with things for awhile but now im super rested and SUPER READY TO ROCK!!!! How about you??? Yeah I knowwww your ready for a dance party… its been like 3 months since I played last!!! That’s wayyyy too long… and its time to change that…
So Saturday night, yes thissss Saturday night…
Slip on your dancin shoes…
put on your dancin pants…
febreeze your dancin shirt…
turn your dancin undies inside out…
polish your dancin shades…
dust off your dancin moves…
Remember when Illegal Tone used to be packedddd with people totally dancing there brains out?? LETS DO THAT THIS SATURDAY!!!!!
I know im ready… ive been saving up all of my Hood Kicks energy for like 3 months now and im ready to go nuts!!!!!
Seriously… I don’t think you understand the absolute insanity that is going to be going down Saturday!!! Guns of Brixton are going to rock your mind… the Vanilla Beans are going to make you laugh until you cant even see straight… Forever Comes To Soon is going to rock you so hard that your going to want to go punch down a building… and You’re Not Kablamo is making their valiant return, with a dreammmmmy new bass player, after a short break so you knowwwwwwwww there going to go absoulutly nuts!!!!!!!
Seriously people… don’t miss this show… people are going to be talking about this one for a while… make sure you can say ‘I was there’… (wordplay!)
Are you pumped? Im soooo pumped… just writing all of this has tripled my pumped-ness. I cant fricken wait…
See you Saturday… Better start stretching now…
Who's in? Bikes and Metro to Belleville Saturday. I'm so there.