Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bike Polo Spring Break / SESPI Feb 22 - 28

Last year Lucky, Dumptruck and myself put together a team last year for BPSP '09. It was a ton of fun. There was decent competition and got to play a ton of games. It was about a 12 hr drive to Florida.

Anyone interested in putting a team together this year for the tournament the weekend of Feb 27 and 28?


Unknown said...

I'm down. I know my game isn't at the top in terms of the people that we play with, and I doubt I'll ever be a scoring machine, but I'm totally down to go hard and practice and become a beast on defense.

Lucky said...

If you can get the time off, it'd be worthwhile to go for a few days ahead of time and do the real bike polo spring break. Not just the tourney (which is pleantyof fun on it's own).

Right now, I'd say there is a 33% chance that I could go.

Tim A said...

Just make sure you come to CoMO the following weekend!!!

Lucky said...

Cole, Eugene, Jake, and Nick all got into the lock-in without paying. Please give 20 bucks each to Lee for the beer money we owe him. We also owe Toph 25 dollars cos he pre-paid and didn't come.

Lee said...

If I eventually get $75 I will be totally satisfied.

Lucky said...

Well, those 4 together makes 80, and I've still got 13 left over from registration.

Trent- did you get paid back for all the propane, coffee urn rental, mauls, etc?


propane & maul's you gave me cash for. coffee urn rental was 20 bucks. i'm not worried about it


oh yeah, i also bought 25 buckshots at randall's. it was with a gift card though.

Lee said...

Off Topic: If anybody has any kind of functioning bike seat that they are looking to give away, please bring it to polo on sunday. I already ruined the one Anchovy so kindly gave during our second game of Kick-olo.

barney said...


Unless you absolutely must acquire another saddle for zero dollars you can go into any bike shop and ask for a take-off one. These usually cost $5 or $10 and just might be given away depending on the customer/shop. A&M does have a tub of them at the moment open until 5pm Sat. It was too bad you didn't need it at the Lock-In 'cause I did have one take-off saddle with me.


Toph A. Loaf said...

i will bring a saddle for you on sunday. dont worry about the $25. use that towards, Cole or Nick or Eugene or Jake. later dudes.
ps. lee you have to have your seatpost really high to use this saddle.

Evannn said...

sorry about spamming with non polo stuff but im playing tonight on Cherokee street if anyone is interested... below is the flyer with all of the info. im playing at 8.

Anonymous said...

I wanna goto Florida. I asked my boss and he decided to let me off for that week (pretty nice guy). Does anybody else wanna go?

Toph A. Loaf said...

the tournament is only on the weekend? so we would be driving up friday? coming back sunday\monday is that right? i really want to go. having missed midwests and all. and the lock in...
i just need to know the dates so i can request off work, my boss is not as awesome as Anchovies. let me know if these dates are not it. FEB 26,27,28. thats friday saturday and sunday dudes. let me know if i hit the wrong ones.

Anonymous said...

i poop my pants. wha da fuck.
its ok i have insurance.
At Polo tommorow, this is what you will say.

Anonymous said...

hey can someone text me if we are playing today and where at my number is 314-255-7600. If someone has an extra bike could you bring it.

Anonymous said...

I'll be late to polo today because of my grandma's b-day celebration, i should be there by 3Pm.


Toph A. Loaf said...

patrick be sure to bring a change of drawers. i ate too much birthday cake.


Francis said...

Where are you guys going to play today?

Ben said...

We have agents scouting locations right now.

Toph A. Loaf said...

yeah...where are we playing today. chovy! how is willamore looking? go look over there before i come poke you in the eye.
Rad Rusty Nail.

Anonymous said...

insurance agents?

-Phineas Farthypence

Ben said...

As if there's any other kind of agent.

Ben said...

Lindenwood Park

2 o'clock

Bring brooms

Anonymous said...

how do you get to Lindenwood Park.

Anonymous said...

lindenwood park is up your butt and around the corner! or you can take...
or you can take 44 to aresenal then take that to jameson.
the park is on the hill on the left hand side. if you are coming from south city. take chippewa all the way to jameson, past Ted Drewes. turn right on jameson. look for the assholes on the the hill with brooms! its the roller hockey rink. you have to go up one of the side streets to get there unless you want to drive up the soccer field, like Ben did that one time...


-Large Tides

Toph A. Loaf said...

who all is going to florida?

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!

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