Monday, March 8, 2010

St Louis to Chicago

Friendly pick-up day Saturday, March 13th in honor of Chris from CoMO's birthday in Chicaqo. Two courts! Brutal alleycat Saturday night. Who's in?


Lucky said...

I've got some business up that-a-way, so Jenny and I will be leaving Thursday evening. We'll be coming back to the Lou on Sunday morning with a coupla extra seats in the car. If anyone wants to take the train/bus up on Friday or Saturday morning, you can ride home with me.

nick said...

I can't make it.

Have fun!

anchovy said...

I think im on the fence. Thats my 2 cents.


I'm out.

Lee said...

I'm also on the fence.

Lee said...

I'm also on the fence.

Andrew W.K. said...

PARTY TIP: Affirmations work! Say nice things to yourself, like: "Everyday I get stronger, wiser, and better at partying."

Anchovy said...

Ahhh man. Still?
Yo Andrew W.K. there is a whole bike polo blog, just for you!

Information said...

Our simple blog can't contain him.

Kayce said...

AndrewWKkidz said...

Party tip: its cooler to share than to not! Sharing brings the party to others!

Evannn said...

I'm also out. I need to find a place to move b4 I go out of town next week. Have fun though!

Francis said...

Evan, the apartment under my sister's is still open. Give me a call sometime today and I can get you in contact with the landlord. For the sake of staying on topic, I am out.


Ben said...

Staying on topic is overrated.

Unknown said...

There are 2 apt's open in my building. Far away from everything, but there's a bike shop/polo lab in the basement!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Ben said...

Haha. I can't imagine the polo-specific nightmares that would come out of the polo lab run by Lucky and Hood Kicks.

Defensive Coordinator said...

AndrewWKkidz comment was perfect.

Evannn said...

Haha well I think I've found a place, but the awesomeness of a Lucky/Hood Kicks polo creation is veryyy tempting. Maybe I'll just come visit for mad polo scientest hour every now and again haha

Unknown said...

I heard on another forum that Lee is going up to Chicago for this. How are you getting there/back? Will more St Louisans come with you? Is anyone counting on me for a ride home Sunday after brunch?

Answers said...


Coach said...

By a show of hands, who thinks the warm, sunny, breezy day will dry maplewood before tonight's regularily scheduled polo gathering?

Evannn said...

Anyone have any recommendations/opinions on which bike store to get a bike box from? I'm looking for free and the least hassle...

Ben said...


I have the box my bmx bike arrived in. It's currently in my room. I don't know if that'll work, but if it will, it's yours.

Lee said...


I'm catching a ride with Ben. We will see you up there.


Evannn said...

Um I'm not sure if will... It needs to fit my polo bike which is a bunch bigger than a bmx bike. Amtrak boxes are 69x41x8.5 inches so if it's close to that then it might work...

Ben said...

I'll measure it at lunch and report back.

Anonymous said...

Maplewood will be dry! back in the dead of winter, some mysterious group kept shoveling the snow and drying the rink. given how beautiful it is outside, i'm sure someone will dry the rink to play during the day. just in case, i'll bring some old towels. -Patrick

anchovy said...

I highly suggest South side cycles. I get all my boxes there every time i ship a bike. Super nice people. Just tell them its for a road bike. They are free.
I guess im off the fence and more towards not going to Chicago. Sounds like everybody's car is full. Right? all cars are full going up there?

anchovy said...

a bmx box WONT fit a road bike. dont bother trying. Go to the closest bike shop and just ask for a road bike or Mtn one. 9/10 times they are happy to give one to you. If they try and charge you, just walk away.

Ben said...

I'm full with three bikes and possibly a dog.




Ben said...

I have physical therapy this evening, so I can't get there early.


Toph A. Loaf said...

i will be there around 5:30-5:45.

nick said...

I am out.. so don't count on me for lights...

Anonymous said...

Francis and Francois,

My other polo bike is fixed, so i'll bring the extra bike if anyone needs to borrow it tonight. i'll try to be at maplewood around 5:45. -Patrick

colin said...

i am in i will tyr to get there at 5:30

Evannn said...

Thanks Anchovy for the tip, I'll be sure and stop by there. I might be at polo tonight but I need to fix my bike 1st so if I make it, I won't be able to be there early. Just fyi

Anonymous said...

you should be at maplewood now.

Anchovy said...

Who will be there with lights?

Ben said...

*raises hand*

Ben said...

But everyone that owns a light and is planning to attend should bring their light and chords.

Andrew W. K. said...

PARTY TIP: The only way to make your dreams come true, is to know what they are. What's yours?

Anonymous said...

i'm bringing chords and bungees, like last time.

Anchovy said...

My dream is for everybody to say how many lights they are bringing. We need at least 3.

Anonymous said...

1 stand with 2 lights on it

Anonymous said...

Thanks to everyone who showed up at maplewood for such an awesome night of polo! -Patrick

Ben said...

Polo was good.

"I hate everyone I don't like." - Jake

Chicago weather looks miserable this weekend.

Jen said...
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toph said...

awesome turn out last night dudes. i think with the exception of nick and lee we had everyone. we even had enough for the newbie game. which was amazing. i am already scared of joe. AKA Newbie Jake. AKA death crumple. great polo last night.

Mini Biker said...

May Day:

The guy said it doesn't idle properly. maybe someone with the time and know-how could turn this into a great Mini Bike Rally ride. Just sharing.

Anonymous said...

Ben, Lee, Jake -

If one of you picked up my extra mallet (Joe was using it when I left on Wednesday), would you please bring it with you to Chicago?


Ben said...

It's already packed in my car.

Anonymous said...

Weather channel predicts no more rain the rest of today! Topher or Anchovy, could you check out Willmore? i have a bunch of towels i could bring.

colin said...

can someone text me and let me know if we are playing today number is 314 255 7600

negative nancy said...

i dont know guys. looks pretty wet outside. Colin, you left your sweater at polo. i have it.

Anonymous said...

King said...

What? It's as dry as your girfriends twat. Who says it's wet out? It's cloudy but it's certainly not wet. Wake up assholes let's play already. This is great polo weather. And I hate to asy it but Patricks rite. No more rain today

Anonymous said...

let's play some polo! who is negative nancy? send out that text!! -Patrick

Anonymous said...

everyone is a pussy you all suck. Now i have nothing to do today

Anonymous said...

anyone up for polo on Tuesday evening at Maplewood? it might rain Wednesday. i can bring my extra bike for Joe or Francois.

Ben said...

We shredded the highway on the way home from Chicago.

Just saying.

Anonymous said...

shin beef folows the path of shred

Ben said...

Wednesday weather looks alright according to

Chicago was cold, wet, and rainy on Saturday and absolutely perfect on Sunday.

Ask me, Lee, or Lucky about high-stick-induced black eyes, rooster tails hitting you in the face, puddles tinted black with brake dust, me and Lee's marathon match, and an all around good time in the Windy City.

Anchovy said...

Somebody ask Ben about proper pronoun use. Hah!

Ben said...

I'm an asshole that puts myself ahead of others. Fact. ;)

Anonymous said...

how much are Lucky's capped mallet heads?

Anchovy said...

Ok, I guess I will take the first one. Somebody please tell
me about the high stick black eye.

Black Eyes said...

Unknown said...

St Cago mallet heads are 13 American Dollars. I still have a few single cappers around.

Anonymous said...


Could you bring a few mallet heads to polo on wednesday, i'll buy at least one. thanks. -Patrick

Anchovy said...

Cool black eye! Thanks! I agree, no swinging high. Too bad, puts the kabosh on ye olde Thor's hammer.
Ok now tell me about rooster tails and brake dust puddles.

Ben said...

Imagine sprinting while trying to chase someone down. The only problem is that the rink is soaked with black, dirty water and the tires under the person you're chasing are throwing huge rooster tails into your eyes.

Like when fighter jets throw out flares to confuse and disrupt heat seeking missiles.

I momentairily blinded myself in the middle of a game with a rooster tail from my own front wheel.