Then stop at the nearest Waffle House and order the following:
- Pecan Waffles
- Hashbrowns
- Grilled Cheese
- Diet Coke


Walk across the parking lot and puke behind the gas station.

And that is how you party on a Sunday afternoon in Middle of Nowhere, Kentucky.
ps. Colin and Toph are both forever banned from the FJ Cruiser for making a mess. Sunflower seeds and Trail Mix.
Awesome pictorial Ben. You need to add at the end "then have snickers ice cream bar for after barf wrap up.....then go barf that out as well"
I was in the bathroom photographing "Horny Goat Weed" when the Snickers barf took place. That's the piece of the photo puzzle I was missing.
Ralphing sounds like a natural consequence to trying to re-invent the slinger on the fly like that. Plus the drinking and sleep deprivation and the physical activity...
Anyone thinking about Little Rock this weekend? I'm still broke, so I'm out. Next planned polo-travel for me is KC friendlies: Apr 24-25.
You can't see it, but in the third picture, Trent drunkenly smashed half of his Grilled Cheese into that mess of Hashbrowns.
Trent didn't have any money, so I paid for his $13 worth of Waffle House food that he promptly threw up 5 minutes later. Best $13 I have ever spent!
I'm out for Little Rock. I don't support that (peer pressure) tournament, and I hate Florida kids. Plus, I have a previous obligation to attend to at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago.
Also: If any of you want to earn a little extra cash doing some light manufacturing this weekend and next, I will be fusing hundreds of caps to the end of pipe for mallets. It's boring and pretty easy. We can negotiate a per hour or per part price.
Oh gahd, the Brawlroom. Do they still set out red, metal, folding chairs on the dance floor? I've got scars from those. butthole surfers show, February, 1992.
I was 9 in 1992.
I was in 2nd grade in 1992.
I think they leave the floor open now. Chairs are only in the balcony.
Awesome Post Ben!
No Little Rock for me, I will be in KC though.
That was a hell of a trip back from Lex.
I also enjoy that fact that you got a diet coke? Classic.
Due to crashing my car into a pole this past week I am also out for little rock. And will be out of town for KC. But I am for sure going to midwests and hopefully some other event(s) in there someplace.
And Lucky I'd be interested if your still looking for help. We can discuss more about it Wednesday at polo if that works for you.
Sure thing Evan. I'll see you tomorrow night.
Ha! I've got slam pit scars almost as old as some of my team mates. Good times. *Sigh*
Special Thanks to Everyone who PARTIED with me on the way back to St. Louis.
Ben, I must've scammed you. I could've covered my meal just fine. I owe you dinner (on one condition: you immediately puke it up)
Nick, I owe the Yaris a good scrubbing. Thanks again for driving. You are amazing.
Anchovy, I owe you for the Stack. Next time I find some terrible but amazing all at the same time Malt Liquor I'm bringing you some.
Colin, Thanks for making it so that I wasn't the only one to make a mess in someone else's car.
Evan, You were responsible for some of the party via Hoodkicks coming thru the stereo. Let's get that APRILWEEN track laid down soon.
I am probably interested in doing some work for you, but I won't be at polo tomorrow cause I am going to see Black Lips. You can get my number from Anchovy or Ben, or email me at fhunt2019 at yahoo dot com.
KING said...
Wow... crying with pride for my homies. you guys definatly held it down in lex.
So far in Germany I have:
1. Held a realy cute baby.
2. Ridden a girls bike with a basket all over downtown.
3. Borrowed a kids BMX. DESTROYED a concrete park and showed them what a Gut-lever is... Kids were stoked.
4. got drunk with an old lady named Helga...
5. Watched Helga bust her head open falling on a cabinet...
6. Helped Helga up 2 flights of stairs to her apartment.
...What a start...
No sign of Karlsruhe Bike Polo... they play in front of, or under the castle here. gonna tack them down today if it kills me. International cuddling pics to come...
Miss u all. someone cuddle the newbies for me tonight... ( :
Registration for the Midwests (May 22-23 in Minneapolis, MN) opens Friday at noon. There are 48 slots for teams.
I know that King Shin Beef wants to make this the first jewel in their 2010 crown, but who else is reasonable sure they're coming? I've been told that we can leave some open slots; i.e. register 3 teams without saying who will be on them.
Getting to MPLS is a chore. 10 hours on state highways. I am for sure going and probably driving. This means taking Friday and Monday off work, as I am not interested in driving 10 hours at night.
Who else is in? What is your level of commitment? How many teams should we register?
Is anyone near Maplewood and able to do a rink check in a few hours? I don't want this small rain storm to cancel polo tonight.
i'll stop by Maplewood in a little while and do a rink check. i'll bring a power blower and towels with me. Maplewood will be dry by tonight for sure! also, i put the new bars and grips on my extra bike for anyone without a functional polo bike.
King said...
German bike polo doesnt exist... i cant find them anywhere. I think they are hiding from me... The search for the DE polo will go on later this week.
You can mark me down for Midwests in may FOR SURE.
Im trying to get someone to switch with me at work so i can go to KC... fuck it Ill QUIT im going to KC FOR SURE...
Guten nacht from Deutchland.
Cuddles and Tides
Come home!
Everyone else,
Maplewood tonight. Get there early and start drying.
Maplewood should be totally dry by tonight. when I arrived it looked hopeless, but with the help of some hockey players, we got the court mostly dry by the time I left. that court dries fast when its sunny. see most of y'all tonight. -Patrick
I'll be there with lights around 6.
i'll be there around 7:30PM. -patrick
I love polo.
i love ben
I love Ben
is anyone going to Little Rock this weekend? i'm not. will there be enough people in town to play polo on Sunday? -Patrick
No one is going to Little Rock. Rightfully so.
Jake said...
someone cuddle with patrick... j\k. I cant wait to play again. I rode 18km yesterday in the hills of the black forest. took pics to show you what a real hill looks like. I think my lungs are still bleeding...
Today i will drink rams piss at high altitude. If you can drink rams piss u can drink anything...
Oh i was right all these euros play on fixies. Cant wait to show them whats up...
Screw work. I want to have fun in Germany too.
I just want to play polo
Jake, i hope you're taking pictures of Germany every day especially the black forest. i heard there are many wild boar in that forest. -Patrick
Good morning happy St Cago employees.
Nick is going to help me out for a few hours today (Saturday). I'd like it if Evan, Francis, or Julia could work with me from 10-2 tomorrow (Sunday) as well. Obviously, we stop working at polo-o'clock on a Sunday.
Next weekend, I'll need help both days, too. 10/hour. Boring, but pretty easy, and you can bring your own music. Hit me up to apply for a shift. tree uno four a-seven six niner a-seven five too ate.
King said...
Todays blogging report...
Helped put up a few fence posts for my aunts horse (named Amtrac...) Consisted of driving a metal post all the way to New Zeeland with a 5 kilo sledge hammer. Then pulling it out and putting a wood post in its place all by hand.
Followed this morning chore up by taking my aunts motorcycle out with my GF. Got lunch at a stand high up in the hills. Had a pork steak with a wierd german name. The stand was accros from a hill where we watched huge gliders launch with a wench. 0-140kmh in 100 meters. wow. No polo in this little village however i got my ass handed to me in futball by 8-12yr olds.
Patrick... No boars yet, thank god. Iv seen them mounted and stuffed here and there huge... def not somthing i want to meet alone.
Back to the big city tommorow (Karlsruhe) and have a polo report finally. Miss u all.
PS: big tides shirt and hat are a huge hit here....
Tides that are big,
PPS; Helga recovered from her head wound and is back to drinking too much too early
Chicago status report:
Late last night, I was shredding the downtown streets on a scooter. It was the perfect morsel of fun that left me craving the minibike rally.
where are we playing polo on Sunday? Mt Pleasant or another court? a friend may be riding her bike to polo, so advance notice would be helpful.
Mount P at 2?
We had better be playing next wednesday or im gonna kill myself. Im getting bored in germany. and i miss POLO and my POLO PALS!
<3 Jake
Polo at 2. Mt pleasant
i will be there at two
why mt. pleasant? Lindenwood is loads better...
I vote lindenwood also.
agreed. lets play with GOALS
Cones Suck!
Big rink = Big crashes
blame chovi for force feeding me trail mix. No, Lukcy they do not have red seats. Its all woodfloor. Did i just hear someone mention Butthole Surfers. Mid ninties grunge stories to tell by the blog campfire? Whats next, Chovi remenising of his BMX flatland days?
-Toph hurt himsef skateboarding. Polo is on hold. Bad times. Big drop=dislocated shoulder, concussion, broke face. See you guys on the polo court, later. Ben. I saw you at the thom yorke show, tried to yell but i was too busy being caralled down that stupid stairway and having slices of gross pizza almost puked up on me.
I couldnt read anything Topher just posted because it was smeared by his tears... Feel better Toph, use the KONA... Its good for u.
Playing (finally) this weekend with some krouts and a few frenchies. Ill show em what USDA Prime BEEF can do YEE HA!
Luckeeee: The KA polo dudes have a catalog with there own CHINA made bikes and Mallets... Gave me an idea or two for StCago...
Steal that catalog!
Show those Germans how polo is played in STL!
You know I'll show them the meaning of cuddling...They usualy don't play w/ boards. Open air cuddling ang lazer ball retrival is likely.
Got ur catalog Luckee.
Stay cuddly and beautiful St.Louis.
Hey Lucky sorry I didn't get back to you about working last weekend. But this Saturday (4/17) I'm free all day. Just let me know where and when and I'll be there. Or feel free to give me a call tonight when you have a minute. I'm not sure that I'll be at polo tomorrow. 618-520-3310
Finally going to play with the krouts. There realy stuck up according to my girfriends translations of their emails. I'll let u know how it went. Enjoy polo tonight fools
It's a beautiful day, and we're going to play POLO!
Pound those stuck up polo dudes on their slow fixed gear race bikes. Share stories of the slaughter when you're done spreading the STL fear.
polo tonight?
Maplewood. Around 6. Bring water.
Wow. I couldn't have been more wrong about those dudes. I had an awesome night of polo. They play a smaller court game. Way less psyical than us but just as strong. I quickly proved myself as a serious polo player. I did this by putting my foot into my front wheel 2 min into the first game and having a spectacular rolling fall StL style all the way. Followed that by scoring 3 goals in the first game, two on the bb. They offered to let me play on any bike and are trying to put one together for me by Friday. Wow. They also let my girfriend play for her first time and now she's addicted. One of the players gave her a new seat and bars for her bike. Wow.
As if this wasn't cool enough... I was also invited to the secret polo spot dubbed "the bunker". Basically the best parking garage for polo you can think of. We played from 6:30 till 10:30. Wait till you suckers see the pics. I definatly held it down for the cuddlers and kingshinbeef.
Nick knobby: scored a full cout lazer for YOU
Ben: cuddled a stranger and blew him a kiss for YOU
Anchovi: stopped abruptly and self passed thru someones bb 4 YOU
hope polo in the Lou is as good as here. Miss u all!
<3's and cuddles
Love the updates Jake. See everyone in stl at 6ish at Maplehood. Looks like im late already.
I'll need some help again this weekend with the mallet stuff. Francis has been trained and does a fine job, so I'll like to use him again if he's available. Otherwise, Colin, Julia, and Evan have expressed an interest.
Shifts this weekend are Saturday: 9-5 and Sunday: 10-2. Email me if you're good to work those times. stllucky at gmail dot com
What am I? Chopped Liver?
Chopped Lazer.
Sorry, Nick. I can't afford your union wages. Evan on Saturday and Francis on Sunday. I'll get you guys some smocks to pin your nametags and flair to.
If I made some PVC pipe goals for Mt Plesant, could I get a few bucks from y'all for materials? I think I can do two foldible nets for about 80-100 bux. 5-10 per player would help a lot. If nets at Mt P is something you want, of course.
Mt. Pleasant is good.
Cones are not.
Mt. Pleasant with goals is perfect.
Talk to Colin about cheap materials.
LUCKEE DONT DO IT! I have desighned and will b making awesome folding nets when i get home for WAYYY cheaper. Great idea though.
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