Here are a few questions and comments I pulled out of the STL Bike Polo suggestion/help box.
"Jake got blood on me. I'm not sure if it was my blood or his blood or blood from someone else. Is there a way to keep this from happening?" - Anonymous
Dear Anonymous,
We've all experienced this phenomenon. Don't fret. There's no way to keep Jake from bleeding on you or making you bleed. Wear those bloodstains with honor. Take pride in the fact that the amount of blood staining your clothes and epidermis is equally proportional to how hard you were poloing on that given day.
Personally, I try to look like Carrie (sans the prom dress) by the end of a successful day of polo.

"Anchovy keeps slamming into me on every inch of the rink. What can I do to prevent this?" - Bruised in Ballwin
Dear Bruised,
The only real way to avoid the bumps and bruises that Anchovy dishes out is to be on his team. Other than that, there's really no way to escape the pain. Anchovy's school of hard knocks is always in session when you're on the opposing team.

"How do you stop the Knobbe Laser?" - Frustrated, Injured Goalie
Dear Goalie,
I do my best to provide an answer to every question and comment I receive. When I don't know the answer to a question, I do all of the research I can until I feel that I can provide you with an informed answer. But the question you just asked has no answer. In fact, I would encourage you to stop trying to block the Knobbe Laser altogether. Your efforts are only going to result in broken bones and shattered orbital sockets.

"You should let your bulldogs out less. It's unsettling to hear people barking at the neighborhood roller hockey rink." - Frustrated Neighbor
Dear Neighbor,
That suggestion is noted. Unfortunately, it will be immediately ignored. You are not officially playing polo until you have released your bulldog. Polo without bulldogs is like a bike without wheels. Normally, there are no stupid questions or suggestions...Unless your suggestion is for us to cage our bulldogs.

Until next time, keep sending in your questions, suggestions, and comments. And remember: keep having fun out there...keep pushing yourself to be the best you can be...keep partying hard.
Wow. Awesome Ben. I feel so much more at ease with my concerns truly being addressed.
Luckeeee: DONT make PVC goals. 2 reasons. #1 Im designing and will make steel folding goals i have seen here in Doutchland. #2 You can buy pvc goals for $35 at sports autthority and there CRAP. Ill show u the design when i get back. IM STOKED
Trent: I want to make some wheel cover vynl of the crest ben put on the blog a few moths back. Can this be done well as a sticker or screen?
Anchovi: Ouch. Somhow you put me on the ground all the way from STL.
I hope to be back in time for polo Weds. However Iceland blew its top and ALL flights in europe are grounded. Theres also an ash cloud that resembles the begining of Independence Day looming over the city. (Im scared). Hope to play polo with the best players in the world soon- YOU DUDES and GIRL! STL BIKE POLO IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD!!!
Big tides
Now it's girls, plural. Welcome to polo Liz!
The best way to keep me off you in a game is to not have the ball. If im coming for you, then pass the ball. Pretty simple. Low contact games are the ones where the ball is being passed about a bunch.
it will be like a blast from the past when we played with a soccer ball.
Dear The Girl,
Once STL Bike Polo has enough girls for a girl team, I imagine the boys will be dressing better and occasionally shaving and showering. Also, the term "cuddling" may take on another meaning.
" anchovy said...
The best way to keep me off you in a game is to not have the ball."
Bull. Shit. I almost never had the ball in that last game on Wednesday because you were screening me such that I wouldn't be able to receive any passes or play for any loose balls. It was like you thought we were playing bumper cars and I was the only other car out there.
Where are we poloing today? I heard rumblings of Lindenwood. I'm open to any location.
is Toph showing up to polo today? -Patrick
yep. i get off work at two. Im scared to see how good you have gotten Patrick. Seriously. Still scared of Lee, Ben, and Anchovy, Jake. Nick etc...(when cole starts playing again. Im scared of him too)More scared of myself. So.my buddy got his bike stolen a few weeks ago. Im letting him borrow my Polo Bike, some of you know this already. Long story short, Patrick do you have a bike i can use today?
No worries Toph, I have an extra bike. someone send out a text! lets play polo, its beautiful outside!
thanks patrick. see you dudes on the court.
I vote Lindenwood, if the court is open, i'll bring more beers won at poker. -Patrick
Lindenwood @ 2
Icelandic terror cloud has me stuck here till??? Gues I'll have to build up a polo bike here anyway. Yesterday we played on a "hockey" court about the size of maple wood. I'm using a mountain bike equivlent to one of Patricks polo machines. Overheard them say "can't belive he can play like that on such a shitty bike". I responded with "this is a great polo bike!" as it actually was. These dudes seem to think you need an expensive bike to play. I do owe the owner a new rear tire as it's been fully skidded. Even scored on a skid turn shot. Reminds me of home. I miss u all and I hope I'm home by midwests.
Beef: are you going to mids?
Shin: are you going to mids?
I am.
Love and big tides,
It's 3 o'clock and you're not at Lindenwood. If you're not here, you're wrong.
awesome polo yesterday dudes. totally excited for wednsday. glad to be back with my po-bros.
Jellous. Fucking Iceland and it's goddamn ash. I miss being cuddled
the way to stop the ash is to tell the volcano and iceland that we love them. They are so lonely and they only listen to Bjork and Sigur Ros all day. Giant frozen rock countries have feelings too.
The ash has ruined jakes limited spelling capabilities also. Unless King really is full of Jelly.
I could listen to Sigur Ros all day.
Hey everybody. I got 2 good candidates for polo bikes up on Craigslist right now. They are cool because they are 700c rims and have a horizontal rear dropouts. Overbuilt like a Mtn bike but has beefy 700c rims on them. Look at the listings that say "South city near Target on Hampton" for the area. One is a Raleigh and one is a specialized. If anybody in the polo community wants them they are gonna be cheaper. I think $75 is as low as i wanna go on these.
Just giving a heads up.
Mini bikers:
I got your voicemail. I have lots of HDPE. I'll bring some on Wednesday night.
yeah! awesome Ben. im bringing a new guy on wed. Patrick bring that extra bike. we came across some material and we be makin some mallets. see you wednsday.
I've been doing BMX training lately. I'll be back the to court when King returns.
Julia, I have a rack in my backyard u can use. Call cole he can help u get the rack on. It's not the best but iv had 6 heavy BMX bikes on it before. Take it for the weekend and have fun down there.
Topher: I may have limited spelling ability. But I can spell my name and you can't CHRISTOPHER!
Lee Shin: don't wait for me. Get out there. I'm training abroad. I played with Paris and Karlsruhe.
Anchovi: if you still have them this weekend I may take a look at one. Been thinking lighter.
Ben Beef: keep on keepin on.
Be back in time for polo Sunday. Praying it doesn't rain. Miss u ALL.
I hope you get out of German land this week. Remember, this weekend is KC Friendlies. Polo this Sunday will be in KC. Keep shredding abroad.
Everyone else, you better get out to KC this weekend, so that we can put Como in their place. KC and Kansas already know their place.
I need some E help. Some dorkus posted on Clist a anti ad against me.
What? i know, hard to believe.
Here is what i need you guys to do.
Please flag the listing under bicycles that says: RE: RALEIGH USA Hybrid bike 700c wheels Small - Medium - $120 Make sure its not my actual ad you are flagging. His is just a text rant and my ad actually has pics and a description.
It is in response to my bike ads on Clist. Seems like a doofus jerk with too much time on his hands. Anyway if you guys all flag that ad, it will go away. TaDa! Problem solved for me. (i tried to make my name be a direct link for it. Click my name above and see if that works)
Thanks gang!
I had already flagged it from home. Now It has been flagged from a different IP also.
On it, Anchovy!
Nick. I can't make it to KC. Can't miss anymore work. However I could tell them I'm stuck abroad and go to KC... Doubt I feel like driving to kc and playing anyway after a long ass flight. Show them what's up. StL is the polo capital of the WORLD.
It's been flagged.
Weather for KC looks iffy.
Thanks guys. We made fast work outta that one. Its gone.
And for the record. I try to hook up my polo friends as much as i can. If anybody wants anything i have ever, let me know. I can usually make it cheaper if ive had it for a a week or two.
Trent while im thinking about deals and such, you want that iphone for $50? or are you over it?
yeah i'll take it.
Who is going to KC this weekend? Is the polo van making an entrance?
Kurt Loader the Polo Van can't go. I know - this stinks. I have too much to do and don't want to be out of town again. My mini bike needs my attention.
Give em hell.
I'm going. Drive out Saturday morning. Drive back Sunday afternoon.
I will be there to pick up all you'alls slack!
Does anyone have two 27 inch tires they could bring to polo tomorrow? They don't need to match, just hold air. And I'm also looking for a seat post. I found someplace online that says it takes a 26.6 so anything that size or slighty smaller would work. I'd be willing to give you some cash for them. Let me know if ya can help. Thanks!!
You named the van Kurt Loader? Doesn't that sort of dictate the mural, then? And won't you eventually get sick of hearing the bass intro to "Peace sells"?
Anchovy (or whoever took my bike home on Sunday), I should be at polo tonight, so please bring my bike with you.
i am super excited about polo. like seriously. and i'm bringing another girl tonight. perhaps with a bike worth playing on. yippie!
Maplewood tonight. 6:00 pm. Bring fun.
EVAN ive got tires, but not sure the sizes right now. I will bring 2 mtn bike tires. thats what you need right? $10 would cover 2.
Seatpost, uh not sure on that one. I doubt i have it. I can check.
FRANCIS-i will bring your bike
Anchovy - there for an old set of road bike wheels. the tires that came on them were 27 x 1 1/4. So as long as they fit those wheels that works for me.
Ben - Fun, always!
Colin is going to POLO at maplewood now. I told him it wont be till 6 that everybody else shows up. Just letting everybody know.
EVAn, no dice. I dont have that size.
I'm out tonight. Trent, Ross and I are doing a minibike workshop at Trents. Feel free to swing by.
Thanks for checking Anchovy.
I'll def be there tonight, I'll just be a little late. Just FYI
History was made last night. The weather was beautiful, and 13 polo players gathered at Maplewood. Six of those polo players were women. That's right. Two teams of ladies.
Of course there was an all-girl game, and it featured some of the night's best checking and crashing and scoring (Liz scored a bottom bracket shot! She's been playing for a week!! What were you doing your first week of polo?).
Toph and Partick renewed their rivalry. I'm pretty sure I saw them on the ground, spooning, behind one of the goals. A kiss may have been exchanged...I'm not sure.
All in all, it was a pretty great night for STL Bike Polo.
Who's driving to KC this weekend? I really want to go, but my car has suddenly become less reliable due to user error. Is there room with someone else? I have a bones rack that can go on any car.
I am driving my parents SUV up to KC. i tried sending you an email. You can ride with me and throw your bike in the back. what is your email or phone number?
TRENT: call Billy at (913) 633-4036.
He wants to buy a bike if you have any. I'm fresh out.
He said he tried to call you but your phone was messed up.
Dudes and Dudetts I'm coming home (finally). I'm glad to hear that polo was awesome weds.
I'd like to invite those players that aren't going to KC to play on Sunday. Rain or shine...
+Shine at Mt.P.
+Rain location under the KingShinWay(Beef) bridge.
I'm highly motivated to play. All are welcome. The bridge will be an awesome departure from "traditional" u.s. Bike polo. I feel like a pilgram on my way home from a religious affair to spread the good word.
If we don't have enough in town to play I'll just cry myself to sleep.... Again...
Good luck to those chosen few going to play in KC. I should be wishing KC luck against the tornado sweeping across hwy70. All will be cuddled. Godspeed StL bike polo.
HelloOoOo? Anyone? Are Patrick and I the only people meeting Nick in KC for this day of awesome? Ben, Chovy, Evan, Francis, Liz?
Leave 8-8:30 Saturday morning, drive for 4 hours, play polo with 5 cities for 6-7 hours, party, sleep. Hit the road around 10 Sunday morning and get back to Mt. P in time for welcome-home-Jake-polo.
I'm not going. After Lexington and my trip to Chicago, I'm tired of traveling. Being out of town half of the weekends in April is overboard on the traveling for me.
Welcome back King! See you sunday. Ben dont forget the HDPE(it should be in your car already though.)
later dudes. i have to set up a gallery show this weekend.
Fair enough. I'll wait 'til the end of the day to hear from anyone else, but as of right now, I'm thinking of bailing. 40% chance of rain, only a few CoMO kids will be there Saturday (the rest are coming for Sunday), plus I don't really want to have to work all night to get mallet heads ready to sell (as much as I'd like to sell a bunch of them). Eh.
Speak up, StL. Who else knows if they're in or out?
I'm not going.
games on sunday too, whaaa?
I'm out
if Lucky bails then I'll probably stay in KC till Monday. that means everyone must wait till next Sunday to ride a sweet pink/magenta ladies polo bike I found out at Chesterfield Goodwill for $25. see y'all at Aprilween! -Patrick
i got a small bike good for polo ladies if any bodies interested.
Clik my name to link to it. $50 for polo people.
OH PS Im out also.
The link to your bike doesn't work, Anchovy.
I'm stateside! Just kissed the ground and almost threw up because it tastes like Chicago. Should be Shit-cago. ; )
Beer, brooms, shovels manditory (mainly beer).
All this rain and lightning and tornado sirens...it makes me want to be in the Party Van. Weird.
My bike is the Nishiki that says location "south city by target on hampton"
Cuddling in the news
Polo polo polo!
It's Sunday! Time to shake off those hangovers. And cuddle with friends.
Weather forcast is Suprisingly good. Calls for cloud cover with little chance of rain!
I'm voting lindenwood, wilimore, tilles, or mt pleaseant. Cmon StL let's play!
I WANT POLO! Somewhere.
I can maybe come today but if it's at mt pleasant I may just decide it's too far for being so wet...
Also, totally found a correctly sized bike to ride and in about a week will need help trimming the bars and switching the brakes.
L-wood and W-more are best in the rain. It's just puddles. Tilles gets standing water in one corner, and Mt P gets slick as ice if you even breathe humid breath on it.
I vote L-wood.
Lindenwood! polo starts at 1:30-2. Don't be late!
I'm going as early as I can to secure the rink.
toph will be there! welcome back Kingey Jake!
My car is fucked. Parts are on order. See you guys Wednesday.
It's nasty outside. I hope you guys are wearing rain coats. I'm not riding down since I'm already soaked. See you all later this week.
Polo training in the rain. T'was fun.
Anchovy - there for an old set of road bike wheels. the tires that came on them were 27 x 1 1/4. So as long as they fit those wheels that works for me. Ben - Fun, always!
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