Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Garage Polo Tonight?

It's dry and warm. Let's see how the other half of polo people play (those fools that don't have 8 roller rinks at their disposal).

If we get enough people to play, head to Wash U. From Skinker, go West on Forest Park Parkway. Turn Left on Big Bend. Immediately turn left on Snow Way Drive. The garage we're using will be 100 yards ahead on your LEFT.

We'll be playing in the lowest possible level.

Let us know if you're in.


Kayce said...

Can some one send me a text/ phone call if this happens. My number is three one four- thre six three- one zero- one- nine

Also as always a bike would be awesomer. I have a mallet and balls to bring

Anonymous said...

I'm in. What time?

Ben said...


Anonymous said...

I'll be there and i'll bring that extra mountain bike in case its needed


Anonymous said...

6;30 is good. See you there. I will mass text as well.

Anonymous said...

Hey Assfaces
Im in all the King Shin Way...
Need Boards???
Poopface MaGee
aka -Jake-

Ben said...

A stack of 2x4s or 4x4s could be helpful...if you have them.

Last time Evan and I were there, there was some stuff being stored on the lower level that we used.


i'm out for tonight

see you guys this weekend

Anonymous said...

yay polo. that was great.