Hello, Friends.
Tonight we're going to Friendly's Restaurant and Bar to enjoy ridiculous drink specials during the Blues game. Come cheer the Blues, or simply get drunk on cheap beer.
Mr. McFeely will be there blitzed out of his mind and sharing Post Office horror stories.
A fun time will be had by all.
The Blues game starts at 7pm. Drink specials last throughout the game.
Mr. Rogers PARTY TIP: It's time to bow down & worship bottled liquids. Pay tribute to a bottle today + PARTY HARD!
(What if Andrew W.K. was Mr. Rodgers when we were kids? How awesome would that neighborhood have been?)
Good post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.
Trent said: "If you guys wanna talk plays and strategy let's do it. I am more than willing to discuss this with y'all. I played soccer basketball and football for quite a few years. I've got a decent sense of strategy and placement / moving. I wasn't sure anyone was interested in this discussion. If you wanna be the best this stuff has to be discussed. Let's talk tomorrow even if we can't find a clear court."
Yeah, for sure. I'd like to do it just for my own game even if no one else is interested. When/where can you get together today?
My agenda for such a meeting would be: 1)Establish position calls so we can all be talking the same. I call "under" where Ben calls "BB", for example. 2)Talk about Offenseive and defensive zones. I have no clue what they really mean/where they would be, but I can tell they're important to play-making. Like, when Anchovy is pinned in the corner, I trust him to come out with the ball, but where should I be to best assist him?
we should play polo today the weather is not bad at all.
we should also be sure to explain to our new dudes, where tides are and what BB means.
i know this sounds silly, but we NEED to make sure that we dont all go up on the attack. Lee made sure i understood this over the summer.
focus on making sure you are on the right side to go to goal. for example, if one person is already back. and someone is foot down, tap in on the bench side boards and go to goal. the person that is back should come up and attack. this leads to good cycling and better communication.
if someone is battling behind the boards, you can either give board support or go to the middle. cycling is important. send the ball around the boards and go to the middle. if we learn to pass we will be unstoppable. we already do make great passes alot. by cycling i mean rotating positions, and passing. riding your bike is important too, but thats not what i am talking about.
we have some really amazing players here in saint louis, if we continue to play well against our own talent. we will be unbeatable at any tournament.
i would love to play as always. i am stuck at work till 4. if we can find a rink, i will certainly help to clear it off. anybody feel like having a team meeting tonight? freindlies again? Atomic? 50 cent stags?
by board support i mean, get in front or behind the person and yell "Same!" this means for them to pass it up the boards. Also specify "in front" of "behind". i played ice hockey for 13 years and played on some pretty intense teams. i also still understand the game really well. Positionally, Bike Polo and Hockey are not that different. It is all about Position, as Trent said. And Cycling. Get out there and ride a bike. Really fast, that you shit your pants.
I was thinking of ordering a pizza and doing the strategy meeting on the cheap in someone's living room. Mine or whoever else can/would want to host. 5pm?
In other news: Lee got drafted for the Bench Minor in NYC! A 7th round pick by Joe the Lefty. He'll be playing with Kremin from MKE and Matt Lane from Chicago. Congratulations Lee!
I AM DOWN! polo bond time=training. i will now refrain from my exhuberent comment section.
I could meet and discuss strategy.
I played soccer as a child and through high school. I may know a couple things about ball movement, positioning, and faking injuries ;)
Meeting at someone's house or at a bar somewhere (Lemon's pizza was great at Peat's birthday...$0.50 Stag at Atomic sounds good too).
Let me know when and where, and I'll make a new post on the blog. Mr. Rogers isn't really helping our scary image.
* Meeting at someone's house or at a bar somewhere (Lemon's pizza was great at Peat's birthday...$0.50 Stag at Atomic sounds good too) sounds good to me. I'll do whatever the group wants to do...Or whatever someone executive orders.
Congratulations Lazzzer! make us proud and cuddle hard.
i vote for Lemons Pizza. say...6:30ish?
I'm on my way back HOME. I'll be at my house by four. Could meet by five. I'm sketching some stuff now.
We need one of those hockey rink dry erase boards.
i think my freind Toph has one of those....
Isn't Lemmons pizza just blackthorn pizza? 'S what I heard.
I can't really afford another night out this week. But I can afford my share of an ordered-in pie and a few beers. I can also host.
I would want Trent, Nick, Anchovy, Lee, and Ben there for sure. Everyone else is welcome, of course, but that's who I'd want to start this conversation with.
Lucky's house at 6:30ish?
Find me Nick, Chovy, and Lee.
...I suppose this is as good as any motivation to take care of this sink full of dishes and put that new roll of TP on the holder, instead of the window sill. Girlfriend is outta town.
Oh, I have 2 cats. Anyone allergic?
i do not need food. i will bring beer. i live off of fear and panic alone. Pizza is okay. so, can i come to your litte polo party?
I LOVE CATS. I HAVE 3. CATS ARE AWESOME. in celebration of this event, i will wear a cat t-shirt. get ready to have your mind blown.
I sent Chovy an e-mail i will let him know his services are required.
I will be unable to attend. It sounds like you will have everything covered.
Someone take some notes, so I can do some light reading some evening this week.
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