January 14th. 7pm. Wheels of Glory Indoor Spint Racing.
Benefit for Bicycle Redemption (our very own Brian L.)
For more info: http://stlsprints.blogspot.com/
Thought it might be a good way to recruit some new folks who wouldn't normally make it out to a match?
"STUNNING INTERNATIONAL FILM PRODUCTIONS ON MOUNTAIN THEMES ranging from mountaineering to ice and rock climbing to wildlife and environmental issues, as well as mountain sports such as skiing, kayaking, snowboarding, and much more."
For more info, visit http://www.chestnutmtnproductions.com/banff/banffhome.htm
Steeped in old-school punk, outlaw country, Irish and mountain madness. The .357 String Band are here to break-open the mold of a genre vastly overlooked.
"Shack*Shakers are the ultimate in demented cowpunk - a moonshine fuelled
whirlwind of brutalized rockabilly and warped irreligious imagery. Johnny Cash
would no doubt of approved. and so should you." 4/5 -KERRANGHope to see some folks out.
P.S. Polo Sunday @ Mt. Pleasant 2pm
Cloudy high of 37.....only a 10% chance of rain.